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Posts posted by lennon2004

  1. I guess I'm just really nervous. I talked to the guy today, they are coming at 7:00 tomorrow morning. They want me to do a dry run of my shop as well as show them where I go online and my shopping lists etc... Now, I am cleaning my house like a mad woman and hoping it stops raining so my kids won't track any more mud in than necessary. I will keep you all posted, wish me luck!

    Good luck!

  2. I reviewed the various options and I've had Tracfone for almost 4 months now because I couldn't see paying a dollar a day to use another kind of phone. It doesn't look the coolest or have fancy extras, but it's fine for what it's supposed to do: make and receive calls. I also use it for sending text messages, which is only a half a credit to send or read.
  3. Do you have any sample pictures you can share with us?

    Well of course!


    Keep in mind that the camera goes up to 5MP but for space reasons (on my computer, not my camera, yes, I know, I can get things hold my pictures, I just haven't yet) I generally keep it on 2.1MP. Anyway...


    http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/2933/1002325hm8.th.jpg http://img468.imageshack.us/img468/3020/1002702fd9.th.jpg http://img468.imageshack.us/img468/913/1002721ru6.th.jpg http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/2955/mb259lp3.th.jpg http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/7757/mb302nu9.th.jpg http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/9046/mb273ov2.th.jpg


    Okay, I guess that's enough. :) I can take them at different sizes too, if anyone wants to see. Oh, and since I mentioned the zoom, here's a pic zoomed in just a bit and here's one zoomed in all the way

    http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/3793/1002709yi3.th.jpg http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/668/mb82ty6.th.jpg (yeah, I know the last one looks crappy, but it printed out much better than I thought it would - basically, it's not a good camera to take close-up concert pics, even from the front row)

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