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About sm1kla

  • Birthday 04/26/1973
  1. I have trouble buying for my sons. I always thought boys were simple, boy was I wrong. Gap jeans fit my tall skinny son better (yes there is a difference between Gap and Old Navy jeans even though they are sister companies). Macy's has the WORST selection for boys clothes. I get a few items from Old Navy (always ON white socks). Abercrombie Kids for shirts/long sleeve Tees. Does anyone know anything about Crazy 8?
  2. My fave is still Mariah Carey's!
  3. After a long exhaustive trip to the mall yesterday (I love to shop, the boys just continue to ask when it's time to go home), our lists are officially up and on the fridge! We typically buy from the list b/c that is what they asked Santa for specifically then pick up a few things not on the list.
  4. So, my list begins. My kids have started their Santa and it is on the fridge!
  5. I have the Shark Steamer Mop and really like it. I agree with tazolover that it is a bit flimsy-I believe it's b/c it was engineered to be light weight-I also have a tendency to push hard. All-in-all I'm happy with the end result and the fact that there is no clean-up after the clean-up! The triangle head has me interested in the H2O mop...
  6. Hi! I'm Kathy and I'm a shopaholic. I live in Southwestern PA. DH and I will be celebrating our 10th anniversary this year. I have two fabulous sons DS9 and DS6 and a step daughter 17. I LOVE to shop!! I work fulltime and truly enjoy my job. I'm the VP of PTO, secretary for baseball league and avid volunteer. I come from a long line of BF shoppers. BF has been a family tradition as far back as I can remember-I was first permitted to go along on the big shopping trip when I was 14! I've been addicted ever since. I also catch myself not making certain purchases throughout the year b/c I know the item is a BF sure thing...
  7. My sister hosts Turkey day at her house every year.
  8. 2 of us start out strong, we meet my sister and mom later for lunch & do some shopping together then it goes back to 2. On occasion we do meet up with others. I hate the lull, usually with 2 you can get in, get out.
  9. I must use a vacation day.
  10. About 21 years!!! My mom and grandma used to go out every year. I was not allowed to go until my niece was born--I think they only wanted me for my youth and athleticism!!!! Grandma is no longer with us and my mom can't shop as long. My sister who has always been the grumpy shopper brings my mom and meets us for lunch somewhere..we all shop together for a bit.
  11. All day, we head out early usually 3 or 4 am...although last year I think we started later. When one durango is filled we dropped it off at my sisters (my stuff can't come home, the boys can't see what mommy bought) and then we go out with hers. We have the bags marked & my brother-in-law will unload then drive it to my house and we all meet there usually around 9 pm.
  12. I use my bags all the time, on every shopping trip. Target has an awesome zipper bag that folds up and fits in your purse - its the size of a wallet; they also have another huge bag that folds down and snaps! The reusable bags hold so much more & I used to get irritated when stores would double bag the plastic grocery bag or just put one or two items in them.
  13. The GPX DVD player that I picked up from Sears last year for $29.99 is JUNK! (I got there later than I planned and missed out on the cheaper one...which I'm sure would have held up). This is the first BF deal that has been a flop for me.
  14. I was disappointed with BBW sale switch on the Wallflowers. They had signs up that said $5 each until 1 pm --the line was out the door (although well organized). Then as we were in line the manager came out and changed the sign to 2 for $10. If I would have known that I wouldn't have wasted time in the line and gone back when it calmed down.
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