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  1. most everything on sale is sold out....actually everything i tried was sold out.
  2. awesome!
  3. the little sis will looooove this!!
  4. Thanks! thats a great deal!
  5. yep! And they have all different scents! It said my razor was cucumbermelon...but i couldn't tell the difference.
  6. I went to the Walmart in kissimee This weekend and they had Dove Deoderant and free Intuition Razor- about $3.00!
  7. wow, that is horrible!! I can see an employee just being lazy but that guy sounds like a complete jerk!
  8. I say if your brave enough to go out to the stores on BF then you deserve whatever you can find! lol:)
  9. We always wake up EARLY (4-5AMish) and open gifts then eat or go back to sleep! As much fun as it is it's always a tired day!
  10. I'm not sure how you guys do it yet with all these good deals...i'll catch on one of these days!! lol
  11. I never used these...i remember my grandma had them though. I can't remember if they were good or not, but with 70% you can't hardley complain! :) thanks!
  12. Well I know my Boyfriend wants/needs a new digi cam, so I'm probably gonna wait in line at best buy! Or brandsmart USA depending on what the deals are. thats the only thing i have figured out so far! lol
  13. I just got back from target, Most of the disney stix were $50-100 but i did find 2 of the CARS one marked down to $25, the packages were ripped so i'm not sure if thats why they weere marked down or not. I looked and it only held 60 songs so i decided not to get it for my sister, besides i think she may be getting a little old for it anyway! LOL but just a heads up....check the ends of the isles for clearenced items!!
  14. They have great deals, COMPLETE mad house though! (As you can imagine). 2 years ago I went with my father and we got a Camcorder for my sister and a few CD's. Well we had to get in line and pay for the camcorder inside then go and wait in line again outside for them to give it to us.
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