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Posts posted by sevirj

  1. I went to BB to get the 17" monitor for my daughter's computer.


    I got in line around 5:45, and there were at least 150 people in front of me.


    By the time I got in, it was a little after 7:00. I was praying the whole time in line that there would be one left - I didn't have a ticket, & didn't even know if it was a ticketed item or not.


    I immediately went to the computer dept and asked if there were any left, and of course, I was told "sold out." I went over to the Nintendo aisle to look for a game, and what to my wandering eyes should appear, the very monitor I was looking for, on the floor just below the game I picked up.


    Needless to say, it was mine!!

  2. Where I live, I'm about half-way between 2 Walmarts, both about 20-30 minutes away.


    Last year, I went to a Wal-Mart Supercenter in a smaller town (thinking only a few people would be there). I arrived about 4:00am, and was about 60-75th in line :( , and had to scramble to get everything I wanted.


    This year, I went to a regular Wal-mart, and decided to get there a little earlier (which ended up being only about 3:45. long story) because I thought more people would be there than the other store. When I got there, only 10 people in line - I guess everybody must have decided to sleep in a little this year. By the time 5:00 rolled around, there were about 200 or so people behind me :D.


    I was able to get everything I wanted, no problems!! :yup:

  3. Do you have an OMG, I can't believe I lucked up and got.... story?




    My 2nd stop was Best Buy to get the 17" monitor for my daughter's computer, along with a couple other things. I arrived around 6am, and of course you can imagine the line waiting to go in. Not to mention the fact that I didn't have a ticket, and wasn't even sure if the monitor was a ticketed item or not. About an hour or so later, I finally got in and headed straight to the computer section with ad in hand. I walked up to the nearest salesperson and asked if there were any more available, and of course he said no. Disappointed, I walked over to the Nintendo aisle to pick up a couple games, and to my surprise, just below the game I wanted, on the floor, was the monitor I came in to buy. YES!!!! I stood there for a minute or so to see if someone had left it there to look at something else, but no one came by, so I immediately picked it up and ran to the register to but it.


    It was definitely the highlight of my day!!

  4. I'm sorry that you had to experience that, & hope you are ok.


    You know, this isn't the 1st year of Black Friday, so you would think that there would be police officers cruising through the parking lots of shopping centers, being proactive instead of reactive.

  5. When I was little, my mom got up early on Christmas Morning and made breakfast for my dad and I, and for any friends or family that came by to visit or to see what Santa brought me.


    Lots of biscuits with country ham or homemade sausage, and scrambled eggs. Of course I only stopped every once in a while to eat, because I was too busy playing with my toys.


    Now that I'm married, my wife fixes breakfast after our daughter has seen what Santa brought her, and we have exchanged presents.




    Are there any traditions that you have for breakfast Christmas Morning?

  6. Because of our working schedules, my wife & I usually shop separately. Occasionally we might meet at the mall to agree on something that one of us has found, but that's about it.


    She has never gone out with me on BF, but the other day, she told me that she wants to go this year. :shock:


    We'll see if I can get her up early enough :D

  7. i dont remember the brand but it is for coffee, the guy comes home and his family is sleeping and the little girl comes down stares and they make coffee and the mother comes downstairs. oh the guys name was peter.


    I love that commercial, and I don't even drink coffee!! :D


    How old is that commercial, anyway?

  8. We hide stuff in the storage spaces in the room over our garage. our daughter doesn't look in them because of all the other junk in there.


    A couple months ago I went looking for something in one of the areas and found some socks & stuff still in the bag that we bought last year to give her for Christmas. The bag must have fallen behind something and we forgot about it. :confused:


    When she got home from school that day, she had a little surprise waiting for her.

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