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Posts posted by sevirj

  1. My best story - A few years ago I stood in line for at Best Buy for a flat panel monitor for my daughter's computer. After finally getting into the store, I ran to the computer area. I looked around for a display, nothing. I stopped an employee and asked where they were, and to my dismay he told me they were all gone. Broken hearted, I walked away from the area and headed toward the exit. But something told me to go to the Nintendo game aisle. I walked over there, stopped and said a little prayer. When I looked down, to my surprise, there was the monitor I was looking for. Apparently someone had walked away and left it there because there were other items there with it. I stood there for a couple minutes, watching and praying that no one would claim it. No one did, so I picked it up and headed straight to the register to buy it and then out the door I went.
  2. I went to the walmart.com/secret web page earlier this week, and there was something that said "Check back here soon to see what items will be available December 8th," but the next day, there was no date listed, just the generic message.


    Did anyone else see that?

  3. My wife & I have had memberships at both places, and it's definitely Costco for us. When we go to the grocery store for individual stuff, we go to Costco as well.


    You might also consider BJ's, if you have one in your area, They take coupons, and also their portions are a little smaller than Costco or Sam's, but still bigger than regular grocery stores.

  4. I would call - the only thing you have to lose is a $15 card that you never really paid for.


    Besides, if they do in fact tell you to go ahead and keep the card, you will feel a lot better spending it knowing that you did the right thing, rather than just spending the card, and feeling bad about it later. :angel1:

  5. We went to bed around midnight, DD went to bed around 10pm.

    We got up around 8am, DD got up around 9am.


    After DD spent some time w/her presents from Santa, we left to go to a local restaurant to help feed the homeless, then came back home to exchange presents.

  6. Our Christmas tree is located between a big window and a couch facing the TV.


    One year we gave our daughter a Razor Scooter, which she had asked for for the longest time.


    After she saw everything else that Santa had brought her, we told her to look behind the couch for a special gift. She started yelling, because she just knew she was getting the scooter.


    Behind the couch, was a tiny Razor Scooter on a keychain. She turned around & looked at us as if we were crazy. We told her to look out the window behind the tree (which technically was also behind the couch ;) ) and there was her real scooter.


    She never let us forget that for the next year. :D

  7. The only problem with gift cards I can find is that if you don't use them, some places will charge you a fee every month after a certain time.


    My daughter received a $30 mall gift card for Christmas last year, forgot about it, and didn't use it until about 9 months later. When she went to the checkout, there was only $25 on it. It wasn't until afterward did we read the fine print and see the monthly service charge after 6 months. What a rip off!!

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