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About Gporter34

  • Birthday 10/27/1970
  1. I miss the old days of camping out or heading out at 2 am, but I’m getting used to going after dinner on Thanksgiving. Kids are all grown now so we had a couple of slow years when we really didn’t buy a lot but grandchildren are here now so we are back to BIG Black Friday lol. The kids and I still take my mom with us and plan to continue as long as she’s able to go. I just had a blast from the past looking back at old BF threads! Wow! I’d say our traditions are still alive for Black Friday ♀
  2. Glow in the dark letters
  3. I love seeing all of the different ones!
  4. It has been a trdition in my family for many years. First with my Grandmother and now that she has gone, with my Mom. I don't know how many more I will have with my Mom, so every one is special. Many laughs and great times. We have so much fun every year.
  5. I think it will be Harbor Freight on 10-13-12.
  6. Lol, thanks. I know, I love Keep Calm and Carry On, too. When I saw this one I had to use it.
  7. Good for them! I don't shop there anyway, lol. Sorry for all the folks who do, though.
  8. Done! It is great to be back for another year of fun!
  9. I am glad to know that I am not the only one who decorates on Nov. 1st, lol. I have no bad memories of Christmas, only happy, beautiful ones. The most peaceful thing to me, is sitting on my couch in the middle of the night with all of the lights and tv's off, while everyone is asleep and watching the tree lights. I love the lights, decorations, movies, music, food, and feeling of Christmas. There is so much "ugly" in the world, I just think that I want as much Christmas as I can get. I love it and want it up as long as possible, lol.
  10. I won't know until that time comes, but I am not working right now and about to have surgery, so there is a chance we will cut back a little. However, hubby is getting quite a bit of overtime so I just can't tell yet. If we do it will be on adults, as this is our first grandchild's first Christmas. Lol, I am sure we will not hold back on her's.
  11. I listen to Christmas music and watch Christmas movies all year. Especially if I need a little "pick me up".
  12. I am happy to hear this. We are doing quite a lot of shopping for little ones and electronics for the older ones this year!
  13. First of all, it's great to be back for another fun-filled holiday season here at GD! I always wait until BF to start, however, this year is the exception. It's our first grandbaby's first Christmas and she will be 11 months old on Christmas. We are finding it hard to restrain ourselves everytime we find something we think she would like, so, we have started shopping already, lol. The kids are all older now and their items on their lists are fewer, but more expensive so I am going to try to have most of their's done and shop for Hubby and me on BF this year! I hope everyone has a great season and to all of the "newbies"...WELCOME! It's wonderful here!
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