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Posts posted by H_Hancock

  1. I've been to several BBs over the years, and have never been denied a ticket for any item no matter the other tickets/items I already had in hand. It's one ticket per item per person for the doorbusters, but I've always been able to acquire a ticket for any item I've wanted......TV, laptop, desktop, whatever. I think your experience you had, OP, was unique to your store.
  2. You forgot the option for "I wouldn't set foot in Wal-Mart on BF even if they paid me to do so......." After seeing, over the years, the complete lack of crowd control in so many of their stores and instead having something resembling a rugby scrum for the doorbuster items, I'd much rather spend my time at a store that uses some sort of control and ticket system, such as any of the CC and BB stores I've ever been to.
  3. Last few years, we've used what were discarded plastic 10 gal. buckets which held plaster or such. Get them for free from a construction friend. Bought two pillows for seat padding for a buck apiece.........and when the store we're camping in front of opens, we just shove the bucket against the outside wall and leave them. They stay there until we exit.....great! If not, c'est la vie....no great loss. Worked out quite well and the building's wall provided the back for our "chairs".
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