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Posts posted by littlezar

  1. My son has the PS2 version of GH w/wired guitar, then GH2 came out w/wireless guitar and we bought that (so his friends can play) then we bought the GH 3 & Aerosmith games (no guitars) and all the discs work with his original 2 guitars.


    He just got the GH World Tour band kit for the Wii and since that's a different system, all the PS2 versions won't work on it.

  2. http://www.myspace.com/littlezar


    Here's mine! :holiday10



    <object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-N2nvGkMF0"> </param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-N2nvGkMF0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>


    Had to add the youtube video to get a 2nd entry! Forgot to add that the sheets were a Target clearance item from last winter, LOL!

  3. DH is not a fan of going out on BF - I think he has flashbacks to this little old lady that was swinging her cane around back in '92 keeping everyone away from the display of 29 cents Christmas lights. It was absolutely hysterical. He still brings it up. He has no problem with me going out, getting some deals and having fun.


    I agree that you need to find out if she just doesn't care for the excitement & crowds of BF or maybe she's worried about finances. Whatever it is, I hope you guys can work it out and you all end up happy!

  4. My binder,

    the indexs of where the ads are in the book, my gift giving lists,

    the ads as they come off gotta deal then replaced with the actual ads

    envelopes for the reciepts








    I would be lost with out my book, My kids know that is sacred and they dare not look in it, I also buy two sets of ads, You would not believe how many people I have helped because at a finger tip I could tell them a price or where to find it.

    That is seriously organized! Do you carry a big tote with you to keep it in or do you keep it in your cart as you shop?


    I just have one big list w/stores in order of visit plus all the stuff I need to pick up there. I usually bring the ad in my purse. The rest of the ads stay in the car.

  5. Always had a stocking growing up, always do stockings for the boys & dh. Any stuff I send off for during the year (send in X upc's and get whatever) ends up in someone's stocking. Last year the boys got the Tooth Tunes toothbrushes. They always get toothbrush, toothpaste, tic tacs, those cheapy bite size foil wrapped chocolate santa's and then whatever fun, silly stuff I find.
  6. We bought DS13 GH:WT for the Wii. I initially bought him Rock Band this year for his birthday (3 months after the fact because we were house hunting/moving for his b-day) We ended up taking it back before opening it because he found out that GH:WT would have the ability to play against his friends via Wi-Fi. He really did do a lot of research into it comparing song lists and different capabilities (vs RB2) and this is what he chose. My 13 year old tends to stick with the guitar since he had a couple of the GH's for the PS2 prior to this. My 11 year old loves playing the drums on it. The 7 year old is not so much interested in it (yet) and the 2 year old jams along with his older brothers on his Wiggles guitar! :D


    That said, I think it's just personal preference. How old is your gs? Has he played RB with/at a friends house? Has he played GH or RB instore to compare them?

  7. ###Halloween still scanned 50% off at 9AM

    ###High School Musical 3D Magic Image Lamp $3.14 (24.99)

    ###Camp Rock stuff 75% off (shelf/pic frame, dish set, pics, stool, moon chair, etc)

    ###Wall Quotes $4.24 (16.99) I got: Boy, n: a noise with dirt on it.

    ###Assorted Car Air Fresheners - couple of tree scents, some canned ones 50% off


    I need a bedside lamp right now so the HSM will do in a pinch until I find ones DH & I agree on then I'll give it to my niece.

  8. Where's the "Visiting family and taking an RV and a station wagon with plenty of space for BF" option?



    We have a 6 hour drive (unless there's bad traffic/accidents to get around) so the boys can deal with being a little cramped. They either watch DVD's, play Nintendo DS or listen to music anyway. My oldest can/will also read in the car (I can't...makes me queasy) Not to mention that since we're staying home for Christmas, I'll be leaving all their gifts up there so anything I'm bringing home with me is for my kids or DH.

  9. A couple of years ago my SIL had emergency surgery on BF and my BIL called to say she cried before going into surgery because she wouldn't get the snow globe from Penneys ~ luckily I was able to get it although I didn't even get there til after 11AM!


    Last year, I was in Jersey for BF (my class reunion was that night) and the Target I went to with my sister handed out those reuseable shopping bags that fold down into a little compact rectangle with a couple of Archer Farms samples inside ~ a small flavored coffee, a granola type bar and I think there was something else in there.

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