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Everything posted by amani

  1. I look forward to this every year! I laugh each time! Rebel with a cause!!
  2. The North Face jackets are good! Thanks Brad
  4. Has anyone else heard that Target made a mistake with the $119 TVs before I get my hopes back up?
  5. I wonder when will Macy release their ad?? Seeing that everyone has already jumped on the wagon.....
  6. It's between Wal Mart & Best Buy oh this is tough!!! Geesh
  8. Thanks!!!! I like the deals on the toys!
  9. And this is why each year I come back to gottadeal because I know you guys are on it!!! I stop by on an occasion or 2 during the year Gotta start posting
  10. BUMP BUMP BUMP Has anyone received there tablet? How is it?
  11. I can't get the site to work, must be the increase of traffic and I called my local store and without even looking up the product he said they didn't carry the item and plus I couldn't order it. Not to mention the customer service lines are very busy. At least I tried
  12. I have been wondering the same thing. My daughter wants these boots for Christmas and need for them to be on sale.
  13. amani

    Delstar Netbook

    Did anyone else pick up this itty bitty netbook? I placed one in the layaway for my 7yr to play games on-line and I just wanted to know your opinions about it. Thanks
  14. Just left WM Indianapolis, and they brought out most of the clothing/jackets that will be on sale. There were customers removing the black plastic trying to purchase them tonight. The cashier said since that store closes at midnight, they will stay open tomorrow all night tomorrow so that people don't have to stand outside in the cold & rain.
  15. I don't trust the other sites just for that reason. When in doubt...come home to GOTTADEAL!
  16. :g_dance::2elephant 4 mm juices
  17. Darn it, I wanted that 50% off :) Maybe next times. But thanks for the codes.
  18. Target as well. The games must be boring.
  19. Be careful with the traffic.....it's a zoo. I suggest leaving your home around 10:30 and have snacks and friends in the car so that you can have good parking...and a good laugh as well.
  20. Everytime I need a GOOD, no a GREAT LAUGH, I come back and read the first two pages of this thread. I'm crying with laughter.....I bet Chadiewick checks the website everyday too.:lmao::lmao::rotflol::sidesplit: Well I'm off to bed..until tomorrow Chadster
  21. You can go to premiumoutlets.com and check out the different stores that are going to be open at midnight on BF. Click on sales & events for the center near you.
  22. Some people don't understand true BFers. That's the reason for this site.....don't like it kick rocks. I love BLACK FRIDAY..... Yeah....100 posts
  23. I'M OFFICALLY DOING THE MM DANCE:banana01::holiday16:holiday16:holiday08
  24. I finally found the MM juices, I got 4, after two years of looking.:yay::yay: Also I brought 10.00 worth of candy 75% off.....I had to let you know. FINALLY
  25. I was told that this sell only happens twice a year and this was the second time they had this deal. But...........they could be wrong.
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