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Posts posted by raven20_79

  1. I really like the way you ladies think!!!! This was definitely the place to go for ideas.


    Right now I am thinking of razors, his favorite pens, a cheap mp3 player (if I can come across one), word puzzle books, candy, some bookmarks I made him, and little things like that.


    I really like the sexy undies idea....might have to do that.;)

  2. My hubby is so hard to shop for. I always have to get a list from him because he is so picky.


    Things that he is into: video games (will be picking up a few of these), sports, Magic the Gathering, books...


    He isn't into mechanics, or anything like that.


    I guess, what I am looking for, are little things that can be put into a Christmas stocking. I struggle with this EVERY year! I hate shopping for men. Kids and women are easier for me, lol!

  3. My BIL is so obsessed with A Christmas Story that when the run a 24 hour marathon playing it back to back to back he just sits and watches it over and over.

    That's me!


    Or rather, how I used to be. I would watch the 24 hour marathon while wrapping all of the presents. It was tradition for me to make sur it was playing while we were opening presents. I absolutely LOVE that movie.


    Other Christmas movies or shows that I love are: The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Christmas Vacation, Frosty The Snowman, any of the Charlie Brown Christmas specials, Fred Claus, Miracle On 34th Street, and It's a Wonderful Life.

  4. if you can find them, the Time Life Treasury of Christmas is a nice version of songs/carols.



    That is HANDS DOWN the best Christmas CD I have ever heard.


    John Berry also has Christmas CD that I love.

  5. I am probably about 75% done. Some people are just impossible to shop for. Have to sit down and think about it. Also need to decide if I am going to continue to buy for the people who refuse to by for anyone else, but will get pissy if they don't get anything. I don't want to, but I don't want to waste money one someone who will not appreciate whatever I get them either.
  6. My absolute favorite cookie that my mom made all the time. This is where I gain my holiday weight from.





    1 lb Butter, softened

    8 oz Cream cheese, softened

    3 cups Flour

    1/2 teaspoon Vanilla

    1 Egg, beaten

    2 can Solo filling (apricot, poppy seed, raspberry, almond, etc.)



    1. Cream butter and cream cheese together.


    2. Add egg, vanilla; then mix in the flour. Cover and chill for a few hours to overnight.


    3. Roll out on lightly floured board to 1/4" thickness and cut with round cookie cutters.


    4. Place them on a cookie sheet as you would cookies. Use thumb to make indentation in center of each. Fill with about 1 tsp of desired filling. Bake at 350 F until lightly golden, about 10-15 minutes.

  7. My sons are 2 and 5, and both believe in Santa. Last year, my 5 year old son was so shocked that Santa had actually left a huge present under his bed. He couldn't figure out how Santa had done that.


    I do not look forward to the day he stops believing. It will just break my heart. I am 30 years old, and still get excited to see Santa.

  8. I feel ya there! I have 3 very stubborn males. Two little, and one big. Except most days, it feels like it's 3 little. LOL! I LOVE Hobby Lobby but the nearest one is about 80 miles from me. I keep hoping they will open one closer. I could drop some serious cash there. :)

    Exactly right on all points!:yup:


    I have spent so much money at Hobby Lobby over the last year. I would probably faint if I added it all up. They have some stuff that is so overly priced that I don't even go in those sections (like florals, framing, and the like), but everything else is fair game. They have so many good deals that there is something new on sale every week. And I have gone several times a month for the last few months, and the Christmas selection is constantly changing. I am in hog heaven every time I go.

  9. No fighting would be HEAVENLY. If it's not my sons fighting (ages 5 and 2), its the oldest with his dad, lol. When you have 3 very stubborn males in the house, it's nearly impossible to go even a few minutes without at least 2 of them fighting.


    I would like a gift card to Hobby Lobby, Bath and Body Works lotions (even though I have sooo many of them now), and for my hubby to find a job. Most of all, I just want everyone home and safe and sound.

  10. I used to think my sister was CRAZY for doing the Thanksgiving and Black Friday sales. I even went to one of the Thanksgiving Sales at K-Mart with her (about 12 years ago). I wasn't impressed and swore off the whole thing. When we got there, everything was already picked over, or out of stock.


    Then, in 2003, while I was 6 months pregnant, I decided to go again. They had Game Cubes for $80, and I had one on layaway for like $120. There was enough of a difference that I figured, "What the heck?" (I ever brought my hubby and father-in-law with me to get a few other things.) Wow. I have never seen so many crazy people in one place at the same time. The women behind me were going on and on about how they better get one, or else they were going to start punching and jumping people to get their's. I turned around and said that if anyone tries that with me, they better be prepared to leave in an ambulance. No way was I going to allow myself to get hurt, or hurt my unborn son. Needless to say, they backed up a little bit, and everyone got a Game Cube.

  11. I work for 4 businesses at the same time (all done between the hours of 9am to 4pm), and none of them give out Christmas bonuses. And you would think that the fact one of my bosses is my brother in law, that he would give even the smallest thing, but now. Heck, he doesn]'t even give presents, but expects one.


    Bah humbug!

  12. I bought the dump truck and front loader. They are decent sized and made of plastic.


    I remember when I was little, the ones my brothers had were huge and made of metal. I remember the dump truck being big enough to sit in. I'd sit in it and have them push me around in it. Not fun being dumped, though, lol.


    Keep in mind that you cannot do that with these, though.





    Here is some info for the Dump Truck: http://www.funrise.com/detail.aspx?id=05723


    And here is the link for the Front Loader: http://www.funrise.com/detail.aspx?id=05699

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