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Posts posted by Vickis3js

  1. DH says yes but he is coming to accept that its just the way it works in my family LOL. We have 3 lil ones 5, 4, and 3.5 and they are at that age where they want everything they see. I of course have a limit but we try and get them what they want and we pretty much do, just not as soon as it comes out! I have a walk in closet full of toys my kids HAD to have that I got on sale or on clearance. I have a good $2000 worth of toys that I maybe spent $500. My kids know that Christmas, Easter and their b-days are the only times they get big things. So we spoil them then. Other then new books or coloring books and crayons we don't buy them things for the heck of it. They earn it or they wait till the next holiday!



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