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Posts posted by BrandyJervas

  1. Hi I work for verizon as a sales exec one unfortunately your stuck with it until at least august (primary line gets an anual upgrade) but you can try to contact motorolla and do it as a manuf. defect and it should be replaced with a brand new one you can always argue you bought a new phone and since it's not an insurance claim you should get a new one. I hope this helps but I recomend taking it to a corporate location with a tech center.
  2. Always head out with my bff's, but didn't see anyone post from Southern NJ...thought we'd say hi if we see each other out! We go to TRU, BB, Deptford Mall and shop til we drop!

    Will be shopping in Deptford NJ this year did great shopping last year there and with TRU opening at 12am OMG I'll have sooooo much time to still get the other stuff I want wooo hooo HAPPY BF!!!

  3. I only ordered from them once I ordered the digital frame that was $22 for a Xmas gift never got it and they refused a refund or replacement saying it wasn't their responsibility once it left the warehouse so I had to spend another $40 for a frame for my mom. I just don't like that policy and it seems shady to me but congrats to those that have gotten awesome deals. I'm weary about ordering from them again.
  4. oh we have a whole crew of preggos lol but I'm the only one buying them they want the furniture and my lovely wonderful DH is coming as our body guard lol
  5. I've never had a problem with finding the items I want to PM from other stores so I've never had to try to hide them and I've always gotten everything on my list but even the clothes for BF are stashed away in the back. But I don't see anything wrong with it and I don't see the reason for rudeness towards those that do. I go stand in line by 12am friday morning and wait and I've done it preggo 3 times and have my preggo recruits with me lol but I'm also a fighter and refuse to get pushed around but there are some nice people in line willing to have your back so to speak.
  6. They usually do it all sizes no matter what the reg price is I say get at least 1 in each size up to a size 4 so if you notice they're getting a little snug you don't have to rush out to buy a pack you have a box on hand last year I got 2 sz1 2 sz2 and 1 sz3 no newborn I have big babies and they're always in a sz1 by the time we leave the hospital lol but the sz1 box is usually 192ct the $10 price is for the big big cases not packs
  7. one year the WM I went to actually had the competitors ads right there at every register hanging for the cahiers to refer to best BF ever but then again I also used to go to the BX which was tax free and price matched I miss BF down south
  8. wooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooo that's the only reason I need to go I need diapers for two and my neighbor, neice, cousin, and friend are all having babies I'm spending at least $100 just on diapers lol
  9. Ok so is there any word on the baibies r us ad yet?? Last year they had a great deal on diapers and this is #1 on my list if they have them on sale again this year. Please share the info thanks.
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