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Everything posted by BCBGirl

  1. yay! Shoe shopping is the best! Thanks noehlp! These are sooo cute! http://www.shoes.com/product.asp?p=5016594%7EWOMENS%7EBCBGi&sc=WOMENS&variant_id=80550
  2. Digital cameras for around $100-$200, or, computer software like adobe photoshop?
  3. Interesting...I never really shopped there before, but both around me are closing. I will go to see if I get some DEALS! THanks
  4. oh my, you shouldn't have showed me this... There is so many things I need!
  5. I agree totally, deff. Addictive..
  6. I agree, great idea to reorganize, looks great!
  7. Wow, cool deal, thanks for letting us know, i'm going to compusa today to grab these. :)
  8. I didn't know what a BB was until I went to cali. Some girl that was vegan talked them up to me about how great they were and whatever. So, I tried one....well, it wasn't such a great experience.
  9. Yes, I received all of mine back, its cool getting checks in the mail.
  10. I got my prints today!!! They are great! I got 34 pictures,4x9,for only 99 cents (for the shipping) from winiflash.. Well worth it! Thanks Gunnershorthair, I luv ya!
  11. I wonder how many DVD's I would get in one month? I will have to check. THANKS!
  12. Cool. My boyfriend will love this! Thank You
  13. verzion, $20.00 per month, and no problems what so ever. It's very easy to hook up, if you're not framiliar with that stuff. We had cable internet ($50 per month) it just wasn't worth it. Hope this helps? GO STEELERS!
  14. I always go to staples for office supplies, they have much better prices, but if Office Max has a clearance, sure I will stop in. Thanks for the info!
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