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Posts posted by nubeedeallover

  1. :yay: O my gosh did I ever luck out!


    My target had select pre-school toys on sale 50-75% off! Here's what I got:


    Little Tree Train Set Orig: $39.99 Pd $9.98

    Drop and Roar Dinosaur Orig: $27.89 Pd $13.94

    Parents Goody Goody Gumdrops Orig: $14.99 Pd $7.48

    Sort and Roll School Bus Orig: $29.99 Pd $14.98

    Parents Around the Block Wagon Orig: $49.99 Pd $12.48


    I got $163 worth of stuff for $60! Wow, having this kid in January really paid off! He's going to have an awesome First Birthday!

  2. Did not see the Little People Christmas figurines - where did you get them from?

    Got those at Target-in the candy holiday section at the front. That was the first thing I purchased and haven't been in that section since, so wouldn't know if they'd have them anymore.


    Do you know the only sippy cup my son will drink from is the one made by evenflo with the straw? He refuses anything else-easier on me anyway-I don't have to break a sippy cup now. Just a thought.


    Those biter biscuits are scary! He always breaks off a large chunk of those every time I give him one. I stopped giving him them. He just gets those Gerber puffs now..those are great!


    How about those Gerber juices? Or WM always has tons of those little toys. Or someone else mentioned Linkadoos-there are also lots of toys that go with that. Shoes? Those are small enough to fit in there. Peekablocks are fun...you could take them out of the packaging and wrap each one.


    They're changing so much at this age. It was absolutely impossible for me to buy ahead of time for him-I didn't know what stage he'd be at. He started walking on Thanksgiving-I got lots of toys after that-Like that hippo that gobbles up the peekablocks..I'm so excited about that.


    Are you taking advantage of the xmas sales for her bday? We got the laugh and learn learning home for his bday. All set now!


    Take care...good luck finding stockings stuffers..this is a great thread..I thought I was done buying for him...I may have to get a couple more stocking stuffers-LOL!

  3. We have an 11 m/o too! When is her bday? 01/21/05 here-didn't it go by fast?


    Did you see the Little People Christmas figurines? We got him those two-perfect for stocking stuffers. A couple of little books and a little stuffed snowman. :-)

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