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Posts posted by nubeedeallover

  1. Well, last night we went with a tshirt that's a little snug (not uncomfortable snug) and that worked! Phew--now what we'll do this summer, I don't know!


    bfshoppergirl-We do use those ones with the snap, he knows how to undo it. :( He's a crafty child. :)


    Thanks for all your suggestions!

  2. Just curious, why do you think he is taking off his clothes like that? Is he hot?

    Honestly, I don't know. He takes them off during the daytime too--and it's been really cold here in PA, so I don't think it's because he's hot. I've tried different pj's-lighter ones, thermal ones, etc. He takes them all off. I think he just likes being naked! And he's celebrating the fact that he can do it-take off his clothes and diaper.

  3. Just put the Carters pjs on backwards. You can kind of twist the foot part a half of a turn so it is faced forward again.


    Well, I tried this one last night, as I had no button down shirts large enough to go over his pj's. I went in to check on him before I went to bed...well, little Houdini somehow got out of those pj's. They were inside out on the floor next to the diaper! He must have gotten out through the neckhole. There he was lounging naked as the day we met...He must have worked very hard to get out of it-I was just thinking to myself that we need to buy new pjs anyway, due to a growth spurt-they were getting small.


    Looks like I'm off to buy some bigger button down shirts! ;)

  4. DS is taking off his clothes and diaper every night! Well, I've started putting his diaper on backwards, but can't do much for the pj's. So, I have to go in and redress him after he falls asleep. Anyone know of anyplace that sells toddler footed pj's with a zipper in the back? Thanks!
  5. Check out this thread for a free ship code thanks to alimfp!!




    Picked up this one for DS (18mos):


    "Ride-on Hot Shot 4x4" (For Boys)




    "Ride-on Lil Explorer 4x4" (For Girls)




    each: Was: $99.99; Now $49.99+Tax and Shipping




    Ride-on Battery-Powered Car


    Was $119.99; Now $66.99


    CLOSEOUT! Benison Ride-On


    Was $149.99; Now $89.99


    Talking Ride-on Train with Track


    Was $169.99; Now $99.99


    F-22 Raptor Ride-On


    Was $379.99; Now $209.99




    Thanks to Brenjen at SD

  6. Read on another site that toys are starting to be clearanced - 30% off. Don't know if that's true or not.

    Yes, they are-I was just in today. A good many of the toys in fact are clearanced and some are more than 30%. Some up to 50%. Got the First Act Discovery drum set (includes drum, sticks, maracas, tambourine and harmonica) all for 13.xx. Was originally 27.xx


    You can see it here:



    Also, the grills and firepits were not on clearance at our target. :( Was hoping to pick up a bbq.

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