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Everything posted by jerseygirl

  1. something for the car - like new mats, new _____ (ill-in the blanks) iPods - DH *loves* his!!! It's my new gift suggestion to EVERYONE. tickets ~ to boxing, to a car race, etc take him on a date!~ get a sitter, dinner, maybe an overnight stay 'somewhere' new wedding ban (?)
  2. Me too. Even tho I did kinda miss standing on line @ 5am I'll stick w/shopping via PC
  3. All 5 showed up yesterday!!! Thanks OP!
  4. price match @ Best Buy! Never a problem @ MY BB.
  5. He printed out the results from nextag.com & took it into BB today. They matched it! $600 less then the floor price. Early Christams gift for him.
  6. Remember the Intn'l Silver wall hanging from Sept for $5? I'm backordered.... again. It "was" Oct ship, then Nov and now JAN! I haven't been charged yet but I also haven't seen the item either..........
  7. I wanted to know the same thing ~ I need 30 waist & the charts lists size 14! I'm usually a 6-8.
  8. Have this ~ it goes off ALOT. More then for just severe weather & all hours day-or-night
  9. Anyone know if this is a good bag??? No customer reviews there. TIA!
  10. I do remember reading about that "somewhere" in this post http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=50965
  11. BB will price match. Print up the page & take it with you.
  12. Last Christmas my parents sent us the Insignia car DVD dual-monitor player (because they just moved to North Carolina from New Jersey & now we are forced to drive there to visit w/a 6&4 year old). It's was a great unit & the end of the Summer I lost a piece to the car-lighter adaptor. I went back to BB twice & they couldn't fit an universal adaptor for it. So I asked if they can order one under the warranty my Mom also purchased on the unit. Lots of talking to other Mgrs, etc and one comes back & said "We're going to give you a new one" Not a new adaptor A WHOLE NEW UNIT!!!!! All I had to do was go pick one off the floor, give him back the old one I've been using almost a year now & leave. I'm a new fan of BB
  13. I just emailed link to my Mom. One gift done for DH fr:them! Thanks OP.
  14. Do you have to be signed in for this to work? I cannot get 4200, 4202 or 4203 (THE FREE GIFTS) to show up.
  15. good deal ~ These are $13 at CostCo (B&M)
  16. That's about what I paid for mine last BF (of 2005) @ Kohls. think it was $164 (+tax)
  17. I too will wait for BF. Thanks for the tip!
  18. I'm not a fan of FP kids stuff ~ I remember returning the CD player about 4 diff times before finally getting a refund because it never worked. If you look @ Wal-mart they have cheap-o digital adult ones for about $15. Let 'em play with that a while (JMO)
  19. Wasn't that banned years ago (when we were kids! LOL) because it grew worms in the belly? Do we reeeeally need something else in the house that poops?!?!
  20. Hey my Dad would like these! ~Mucho Gracias!!~
  21. New to me too but it's worth a try!
  22. Cute costumes! I don't have anyone that small to buy for tho.
  23. THANK YOU!! I need a door from them this weekend!
  24. Flower Pot Lamp ~ DD *needs* a lamp!! $9.98 (reg 19.99) Soccer Practice Ball & Base ~ DD christmas gift $9.98 (reg 19.99) Snowboard Plug 'N' Play ~ DS christmas gift $34.98 (reg $39.99) all for $54 & shipped FREE!
  25. I ordered a tin of Ms Fields Cookies for my GM's 91st birthday. They have tins of mini-cookies (so I ordered the 96 piece minis, total gift, shipped to NC was under $40) She LOVED! them ~ passed them around her retirement home.
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