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Everything posted by tacoqueen4

  1. It is $29 on the last page of the Wal-Mart ad. You aren't crazy!
  2. Amazon is killing me. I went through all up their upcoming DVD and Video games deals about 2 hours ago and now looking at the ones that are active, there are things I was looking for that weren't mentioned before. And of course the wait lists are full. Sorry Amazon I don't have time to sit on your site all night long and hope that you might bring up something I want.
  3. Looks like I missed the Battlefield 1 $27 lightning deal. Hope it comes up again!
  4. I got 2 of my 3 packages today. I ordered the 500GB Xbox One (not Minecraft doorbuster) and 7 Big One towels. I got the Xbox and 4 towels today so apparently the other 3 wanted to arrive after Thanksgiving.
  5. tacoqueen4

    Kohls Cash

    I took a chance on this last night after midnight and I was $0.50 away from $75 and as soon as I hit Submit, it said I earned $75 KC so it worked!
  6. Today: Ugglys Pet Shop Dirty Dog Wash Van http://cartwheel.target.com/o/ugglys-pet-shop-dirty-dog-wash-van/-/51983
  7. I got this laptop last year for my almost 10 year old and it has been great. He uses it for school and Minecraft. The touchscreen has been very helpful. I would recommend for that age.
  8. I was able to get the Skylanders for 360 in the 2nd Walmart I went to. The TVs were sold out at both. The 2nd store was letting people put them on layaway...unfortunately that side of town I can guarantee that more than half of those tvs will never be picked up.
  9. Wow I'm glad it worked for you! The 1st time I tried and then again when my mom did it, it gave it to us on an e-gift card and never gave us the option to move to Bluebird. So for peace of mind I just use the computer
  10. Walmart bucks is the Savings Catcher amount that you transfer to the Bluebird account. Bluebird is doubling the savings catcher amount until the end of February 2015. I have used mine and just told the cashier how much to use and swiped the card and selected credit. I used my debit card to pay for the remainder. The doubled amount really adds up! Just remember you have to transfer the amount to Bluebird on a computer, not the app!
  11. Last Christmas my mom and I got my Stepdad a new phone but didn't activate it until after he unwrapped it on xmas morning. But it was not a special deal so I can't say for sure on this instance...only that you can buy and then activate at a later time.
  12. Sorry I was on my phone last night and couldn't get the link very easily. Here is Sunday's Target ad... http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/MoreSales/TargetNov23
  13. Skylanders Trap Team will be $39.99 in this week's Target ad. It is posted on this site...hope to get 1 and cross it off my list!
  14. My $10 off $100 coupon for Target was attached to the toy book and it expires on 11/26/14. Will use this Sunday when Skylanders Trap Team is $39.99 though!
  15. My friend was looking through the TRU toy catalog with her 4 year old nephew this week and he pointed to one of the other children and asked her to buy him that particular human. She never thought she would have to explain to a 4 year old that buying humans was illegal.
  16. tacoqueen4

    1hr Guarantee

    It is Best Buy that has one for $199 in store only. I will pay the $20 difference for a guaranteed one and not fight Best Buy...ours is incredibly unorganized inside. Maybe because I'm used to it, but I really don't mind Walmart on BF.
  17. 11/14 is Battroborg 2-pk Robots with Arena Finally a toy that is on the list! Now just to hope my store has it when I get there after lunch. http://cartwheel.target.com/o/battroborg-2-pk-robots-with-arena/-/MjM2MjY
  18. I almost want to say it was the Friday before. I remember going on my lunch hour to pick up what I needed then a friend asked me to go with her that night and we hit several stores then grabbed a drink at the place she bartends at on Saturdays. So I know it wasn't a Saturday but I thought it had to be a Friday as our kids stayed with her mom. Of course my memory could be failing me....lol ETA** - Yep I just went and found they did a one day sale on Friday, November 22nd in conjunction with a Target promo and Amazon lightning deal. Also, Best Buy is going to have a Beat the Black Friday Rush on 11/20-22 and one item is the Skylanders Trap Team starter pack but the price is blocked out. May be worth it to try to PM at WM if comparable.
  19. Last year was my most memorable moment. I was in Wal-Mart and standing in line waiting for 10pm for the cash registers to turn over with the prices and one of my favorite employees was off-duty and in line in front of me waiting to buy her son a TV. There was some commotion behind me to the left but it just seemed to be 2 ladies arguing over child support. No big deal at first...but it started to escalate and the off-duty employee went to go up front to get the police officer. Just about that time I heard more noise and turn around to see the 2 men wrestling around on the floor in front of the jewelry case. Then one got up and the other went after him and slammed him into the jewelry case and cracked one of the edges (not the glass). This brought not 1 or 2 but 7 police officers through my line and grabbing the guys. They both resisted and were tazered. It was awesome The best part??? The ladies who started the argument stayed in line to finish buying their towels and yelled that they would come bail them out after they finished at Target. I love BF!!
  20. Not yet...the girl who was runnin her mouth to start it ended up next to me and was eye ballin people who whipped out their phones. I had too much to do to end up on the floor
  21. Our Walmart was worse than ever. Topped off by a fist fight involving 2 baby daddies over child support...ended with tazers. Best BF ever
  22. Just came from my store too and everything is labeled that it will not scan until 6pm or 8 pm respectively. Does not surprise me because everything always has different SKUs than normal. I just like that I found where all of the smaller deals I need are.
  23. Signs at our store tonite that layaway will close at 3pm. I remember the years with the huge lines at layaway on BF!
  24. Toys R Us had them last week at that price
  25. It is still there but they have the wrong picture. It's actually really funny that they have a pic for ladies stockings but the wording under it. Only 34% have been claimed. Filter it to video games and it is the first one on the 2nd page. HTH!
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