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Posts posted by neice0510

  1. That is what I am trying to figure out

    It came in the paper in the big toy book for Target this year but they also have them, as of today in my store, at the end of the aisle in the toy section. Not a bad coupon used it today myself. Any gamecube game 39.95 or higher $5 off through the 23rd of this month.
  2. Depends on how much stuff I got. Last year one of the first stores I hit was a Fred Meyer because they opened at 4:30. My best friend and I only got a few special things there and checked out using the self-checkout. We were one of the first ones out the door. It was great.
  3. This year will be different from before as we will be at my inlaws over Christmas but we usually play Christmas music and leave out food for Santa and his reindeer and they get to open two presents one is a toy and the other one is new pjs to wear that night. So they look good in nice new pjs for the morning pics.
  4. We do a family exchange. There are 7 of us all. And we spend 50 dollars each on each other. So between my husband and I we spend 100 dollars on family. Well now that we have three kids and my brother and sister in law have two. The kids don't count, they are all under the age of 6. Usually 30-50 dollars per kid. And from my other brother who is just starting out on his own gets smaller gifts for the kids and nobody cares.

    I would definetely get input from others. Such as maybe everyone pitching in 5-10 dollars to get a big gift card or a really big gift from the family.

  5. I can relate to you because I have a six year old, a three year old (as of yesterday), and a 13 month old that will be 15 mths by the time Christmas comes.


    I will be doing as we have had to do for the last 3-6 years. We have a gate I think it's called a supergate that is octagonal shaped and we put it around the tree and don't put any breakables on. One year we put it behind the couch with no decorations down low. Just try different things, depends on how curious and active your toddler is.


    As for family activities, find out what is going on in your town, we are going to drive to the mountains to go sledding, drive around and see lights, make some special time like putting the baby down early and having hot coco with the fire on and and watching rented Christmas movies. We live 30 away from Seattle and they always have something going on like having Santa at storytime for the kids. Hope this helps and remember that they remember the little things that you do every year such as buying them each an ornament that is just theirs to put on the tree or making them. One :g_thumble year I got kits at Micheals and did all their handprints to give out to grandparents.

  6. I can't get any of the adds to come up except one add and it won't go to page 2. I put the www. the k-mart add says nov 8 but I can't get anywhere with the adds all I can get is the one that starts off with this

    100-Count Mini Icicle Lights - Free AR

    22 Piece Screwdriver Set - $4.99



    It won't go to anyother store adds or change the page.

    Me too I'm having the same problem I see people talking about the gameboy games on sale and I don't see it anywhere. :splat: But I am seeing Nov 8 if that is helpful

  7. We as parents of three boys tend to overspend on Christmas. Birthdays run around 100-150 and christmas runs around 200-400 per kid. Oldest ones' toys seem to get pricer and pricer. Just got done at toysrus today to get a few deals on their green tag clearance. So I try to buy some cheap clearance items that they will love but also get some things that they have to have. My kids are 6,turns 3 in 6 days and a 13 month old. So yeah they are spoiled but only around the holidays. We both grew up poor and didn't have much. Now that we can afford to we try to give them great Christmas and good birthdays. During the year however its rare for them to get a toy just for the heck of it. As a special reward or they have to earn money for it. I think we try hard not to make our kids spoiled brats having everything handed to them, so at Christmas Santa makes it extra special. (Probably last year oldest one believes) But anyway I'm trying to stick to a budget of 800 overall lol. Don't know if that will happen though.


  8. God bless you for what you are doing we took in a 14 year old girl one summer and as it got closer to Christmas I wondered the same thing. It turned out for the best and she was sent to live with her dad. And I sent her Christmas gifts with her.

    I have three boys but my oldest is only 6, but I have found some of the best presents they play with don't really cost a whole lot. Legos are one of the best things and sometimes I got things that they didn't really ask for but turned out to be a big hit. My son also has the SP gameboy and loves it and I can't believe it's only 48.88 this year. Also ask the school, like the above person I got a letter asking if we knew anyone in need that the school could sponser. It teaches the kids at school about giving to others and makes someone's Christmas a little sweeter. And don't be embarrassed because it's a big jump from two kids to five, especially during the holidays. Good Luck

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