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Gator Pam

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Everything posted by Gator Pam

  1. For those who like making an experience out of their daily cuppa, while enjoying a smooth brew as well. The ones at the coffee bar in the Starbucks Roastery here in Seattle are impressive, but these tabletop home versions are attention getting as well. Tabletop Syphon Coffee Maker
  2. Kaloric MAXX French Door Air Fryer Oven This would be for me. I've been drooling over it ever since I first saw it.
  3. How unexpected and lovely! While getting ready for work today, a package addressed to me was dropped off on the front porch from Torrid. It was from their #torridstrong campaign, which supports breast cancer research through sales of specific items. October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, it arrived in a timely manner. I'm uncertain how Torrid found out that I'm a breast cancer thriver. I'm thinking I may have mentioned it in one of the reviews I wrote on their website for a previous Torrid Strong item. It goes nicely with my choice of dress today. The gift straight out of the package. A close up of the enclosed note. Can you see the pink ribbon?
  4. There's a local drug store chain here in the Seattle area, Bartell's Drugs, who were recently bought out by Rite-Aid but are currently still operating under their own marquee. They always feature nice puzzles in their holiday sales.
  5. The greenhouse is the result of a member of Chat Café Redmond, WA asking for donated clean glass jars of all sizes. Coming from Florida, I'm a little concerned should there be an intense wind storm, but otherwise it's pretty cool. https://www.kbtc.org/northwest-now/digital-first/
  6. Covid vanquished job Income tighter than ever Gift of Love will do
  7. I'm always a fan of light gray.
  8. Break Fast after Yom Kippur was appetizing: Smoked Whitefish Lox from Costco Herring in Cream Sauce Bagels, keto crackers from Innofoods Cream Cheese, Capers Lettuce, Tomatoes, Sliced Raw Onion Sukkot starts tomorrow night. One local CHABAD is doing a meal of soups in their Sukkah tomorrow night. The other is doing bar-be-cue in their Sukkah next Sunday.
  9. Sharing this to inform, as I am grateful for any positive and well meaning sentiments. But, just in case there is anyone who may take offense to well intentioned greetings, I hope this explains why. This was posted by Carolyn Burns on Facebook. I'm sharing a message about the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur, which is Wed. and Thursday of this week. NON-JEWS- READ this next paragraph: A Big TIP: NEVER say "Happy Yom Kippur". Nope... don't. The holiday previous to Yom Kippur was Rosh Hashana. Rosh Hashana is the Jewish New Year, where you would say Happy New Year... BUT Yom Kippur is a holiday spent reflecting on sins committed over the past year, and fasting... to be very mindful about this holy holiday. It is a Day of Atonement. Yom Kippur is not about being happy; it's about self-reflection. Traditionally, Jews spend the holiday fasting and reflecting on sins committed over the past year. A prayer might say this: "Did I make amends with those I've wronged? Did I figure out what thought patterns and habits no longer serve me, that I need to let go of? Do I have a sense of how I will walk my path in this new year? I am imperfect, and because the gates of t'shuvah are never closed to those who continue to strive to grow through our imperfections. We hope the Jewish new year will bring us more opportunities for growth and that we will be able to rise to the challenges those opportunities present." It is indeed respectful to share well wishes to your friends and colleagues who do observe. Appropriate best wishes would be, "Have an easy fast." "May you be sealed in the Book of Life." “G’mar chatima tova” is the customary greeting on Yom Kippur. In English, it means “May you be sealed in the Book of Life.” According to Jewish tradition, one's fate is decided on Rosh Hashanah and sealed on Yom Kippur. A simple Yom Kippur greeting - "Have an easy fast". So, to our friends who observe, "Have an easy fast, and may you be sealed in the Book of Life."
  10. An easy fast to all those observing. May we be sealed in the Book of Life.
  11. An easy fast to all those observing. May we be sealed in the Book of Life.
  12. גְּמַר חֲתִימָה טוֹבָה G'mar Chasima Tovah! I learned and used a really easy braid technique for shaping a round challah this year involving six strands. Let me know if you're interested in learning it. While I don't always do it, two challot are supposed to be made every Shabbos. Why not make them round? If you can find the time, go for it!
  13. I know not everyone is a fan of The Holderness Family parodies,but this is too timely and too cute not to share...
  14. Last night's dinner for second night Rosh HaShannah was made as low carb as I could. After all, it is still a holiday! But, I think I did pretty well. Round lupin flour challot Two kinds of challot, plain and everything. The basic dough is the same. Orange ginger chicken made in the Instant Pot over cauliflower rice. Served with roasted carrot and avocado salad with flavors reminiscent of tzimmes without the dried fruit and sweet potatoes. Keto "Honey" Cake fresh out of the oven Top view of the "honey" cake "Honey" and Coffee Glaze on the "honey" cake Glaze spread out so it isn't all pooled in the center of the cake. Glaze hardened after sitting out for a few hours. A slice of "honey" cake and an interior view.
  15. לְשָׁנָה טוֹבָה L'shana Tovah! Happy New Year! First night's dinner was spent at the local CHABAD. For the salad course the rebbetzin served: apples and honey challah fish head spinach salad with apples hummus baba ganooj with pomegranate perils homemade shug and salmon skewers Main course was: brisket green beans and carrot, sweet potato and apricot tzimmes I didn't stay for dessert, as many of the food already served already had way more carbs than I typically eat. I'm sure honey cake was included.
  16. One of the thousand already there. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  17. I know several young folks who I could gift that to. Nice!
  18. wooo-HOOO!!! I just received this text from Krystin Jones, the coordinator for P.ink Washington State. Quoting with her permission. (please pardon the language) "Hi I'm happy to let you know you are one of gals receiving a tattoo this year. If you would call me when you have some time to talk so I can go over details and what to expect next. Holy shit congratulations girl!! I look forward to talking with you soon." P.Ink Day is an annual event, where free decorative tattoos are given to breast cancer survivors/thrivers over their mastectomy and reconstruction scars.
  19. This seriously intrigues me. But, although I know you truly are describing everything in simple, layman terms, it still flies way over my comprehension. I'm afraid I would need to hire someone, show them your posts, and say, "that's what I want." Thank you for writing all of this up, though. One day, I'm going to do just that!
  20. It's Play Music On the Porch Day! Here's my totally non prepared, totally spontaneous "performance."
  21. ^this^ As someone who developed a bleeding duodenal ulcer in response to the pain killer regimine I was put on after my DIEP FLAP reconstruction surgery, I remember the lack of appetite and lethargy I developed due to becoming severely anemic. I hope all is well.
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