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Everything posted by goldie

  1. Ours is 50% off -- additional 30% off ends today. I told the cashier that I'm waiting for the additional 50% off, and he said that will be late Aug/early Sep.
  2. I thought it varies on location... we start early Aug, usually we have ours late July.
  3. Anybody's multiple orders got cancelled? I mean, if you order with one name, one CC? I'd like to keep all of mine (3), and wouldn't mind using $10 off $25 coupon (LUV4MOM). You think I should place another order with that coupon just in case mine got cancelled? Or should I call them? I placed the order Tue, 4/27 and haven't heard anything...
  4. Do they have exp dates? I'm thinking of Xmas...
  5. They could come in separate packages. I have 1 order with 3 items... came in 2 boxes, arrive different days.
  6. Before checking out, you can pick if you want 1, 2 or 3 years. I picked 3 years of WW, and my total was $8.97. Chose WW because of the rec here... hope it's decent!
  7. TY! I didn't know Staples has ship to store...
  8. I think text is around 0.33 minute. Cheaper than talk time.
  9. Didn't work for LG refrigerator.
  10. I'm ordering this for DS... I hope they don't have a 'swimsuit' issue? He's 11... I'm sure he'll enjoy it...
  11. Thanks! Got 2 prs for $25 including shipping.
  12. Love Staples online rebates... very easy. I never had any problems with it.
  13. I was able to use it... Thanks!
  14. This is what I got: It looks like the page you were looking for was either renamed or is no longer active. We apologize for leading you off course. But don’t fret, we’ve got more great bargains where those came from.
  15. In our Sunday paper ad, it said last day for additional 30% off was Sunday.
  16. I quit... took too long!
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