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Posts posted by yellowlilax

  1. I didnt read the other posts yet so sorry if I repeat. Just make sure you're getting any animal that you or your husband are prepared to take care of. TOO MANY people get animals for their kids and they end up back in shelters because SURPRISE it didnt teach their child responsibility and the parents don't want to take care of the animal. It's a sad story for the poor animal :( Our neighbor runs a rescue program for all kinds of animals and she's overwhelmingly flooded with animals. It's usually the same story when they get surrendered to her. Don't let that happen :( Go to the shelter for sure - definitely not the puppy mill petstores with overbred, mistreated animals. Sorry for the tangent and good luck with your decision. Pets are awesome additions to a family if treated right :)
  2. WOW! What an amazing deal - a group of us was talking about going to Cancun in March - I wish this deal gave us more time to think about it and finalize things before the Monday expiration :( Are there ever huge deals like this or is this a once in a lifetime thing? We don't travel much haha so I'm not sure....:D
  3. I need it for a MyPublisher book I'm designing (was going to design) for Christmas for my family. I can't take it in there to scan because it will take hours. I have hundreds of pictures to scan and they need to be done in a certain way to work for this book. I brought a scanner home from work just in case (not relying completely on getting one friday) and I can't get the stupid thing to recognize it. Just my luck...so 4 presents are ruined and I have nothing else I can get/afford. I had online coupons for buy one book, get one free so that's the only way I was going to be able to do it. Of course it didn't work out.
  4. So my dad went yesterday AM to get the HP scanner. They were out and said they had a truck coming in today at noon with more on it and they would put our name on one. Not trusting that our name would be put on one, we called today. Yep, scanners are there and our name is on one and there are others "floating around the store" We drive 1/2 hour and waste our day going somewhere we werent planning for and get there and they have no scanners, no truck came in and they have no idea. THe girl gives me attitude and brings over the manager and I get a blank stare. Morons ARGH now the Christmas present I was making for my family is ruined because I need that scanner to get it together and cant afford another :(
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