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Posts posted by larryandsue

  1. i got my cricut for christmas last year from my man it was on sale at our walmart for $100.00 that is the most amazing price i have ever seen. this is the greatest toy i have a day care so it gets lots of use. the cart. are a bit pricey but Micheals has gvreat sales and i keep my eyes open on line all the time i am going to joann online to see what i can get for it now. :D
  2. thanks for the free ship code i have been debating on 4 metal candle holder for my new back porch, today with the free ship code and 15 off i got them for 10.20 instead of 60.00!!! i got 6 sets of the photo clips for tie ons next year, whole order should have been 179.94 but i spent 15.14 now that what i call GOTTADEAL plus 30 points on my points hehehehe i am have fun now thanks kaysamlyss!!
  3. i went sat. to my DG and made a haul!!! got my guy 3 pks of t-shirts 2 pks of undies-a pair of jammie pants for my adult son-2 pks of undies for me a pack of socks and 5 hanes her way bras and a bunch of 90% off valentines stuff for under 20.00! I think this is one of the best deals that i have found in a long time. And the best part is that i would have not known about it if i didnt check these boards. I really apprecate the great people that post on here:)
  4. thanks for this great coupon we went today and got the man of the house his gift the 32" lcd tv and saved 71.99 on the deal plus joined the rewards program to get 10.00 back later. I am always so happy to use a coupon on such a big purchase!!! To make the hoildays brighter for others we printed an extra coupon to give as a surprise to someone else in the store, a couple looking at a tv that was priced @2499. was almost speechless when i gave it to them and said Merry Christmas!!!! Love to share the great deal i find on here.
  5. thank you for this. i have had a card for 11 years that charges me a yearly fee and i had to fight with them last month to reduce my interest back to 12.99% since i only owe 1000. on it and i get no rewards i have been looking for a deal like this and i signed right up thanks for furthering my cheapo immage (acording to my freinds i will find a way to get a free furnural cos, i wont pay for anything i think i can get for free
  6. this is the best part of this forum...or is all the great freedbies??? Anyway this is the time to start cashing in on our pointds programs for the gift cards that we will need BF this may seem early but remember that some site take 6-8 weeks to get our stuff to us. I was impressed with My Points it was less then a week to get $45 in cards.....I am sooo ready
  7. :eyepoppin OMG I got one I called 800# and they checked the 3 local staple (within 75 miles and there was one in bloomsburg,pa we took a shot and drove the 50 miles and not only got the desk (they said they only had one) and some other clearence items I spent 57.00 but got the desk, 12 sheet shredder, speakers for my lap top, pens,a write on boad cork board combo, coloring books, and 3 candy bars. The nice lady on the phone said if i didnt want to drive that far she would ship me one,@ no shipping charge,,,,but the price was 139.99!!!!! guess that 5 bucks in gas was worth it and we were even home in time for the start of the NASCAR race. THANKS OP this is very cool.
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