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Everything posted by Donnask8pro

  1. I have been happily shopping away all morning! TY for all that you do!
  2. I picked up 10 notebooks, 4 post it notes and a few other things. Thx for posting!
  3. Thank You!! I have been anxiously waiting!
  4. Did anyone see the news on Target sticker price codes? Posting below.. Target (aka Tar-zhay)http://www.rather-be-shopping.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/target.png Target, the favorite store for those who think they’re above Walmart, is a good place to put your code cracking skills to the test. Thanks to Snopes for helping set the record straight with Target price tags. Here is what you need to know in order to get the best deal: Prices ending in .99 – that is full price baby!Prices ending in 8, as in .98, .88, etc. – this is a marked down price of an item on clearance.Prices ending in 4, as in .24, .04, etc. - this also is a marked down price of an item on clearance. At one point this was considered the final markdown price but that is not accurate anymore.Check out the tiny print! - check out the above image of the Target price tag. See the tiny number in the circle I drew? That is the markdown percentage of the item from the original price. In this example it says 50, as in 50% off the original price. Target marks down items by the following increments, 15%, 30%, 50%, 75% and 90% off. Typically an item will stay at the current markdown percentage for 10-14 days before getting marked down further.
  5. Thats what I was thinking. Heading in tomorrow. I will post if so, Thx!
  6. Candy 30, when is it projected to go 50? Thanks!
  7. Will the regular Xbox live cards like this one work on the new xbox one?
  8. crap, no sizes I need in Holy Cross.. I bought this last year and she loved it!
  9. Looks like the new 30% is NOTEBOOK30, I dont have the dates though., My mom just text it to me..
  10. I got a new sale book. Sale starting again but I only got a 15% so not bothering to post. Hopefully someone gets a 30.... with Kohl's cash I should add
  11. When it says unavailable, does that mean it sold out already? Or rain check type thing? Thx I dont have a red card but would think about getting one.
  12. Kohls cash redemption July 18th, so overlap days are 18th through 21st..
  13. My bad, I just assumed the heart rate monitors did steps/pedometer also?
  14. I went in looking for pedometers yesterday. They were still 50 in Jersey. If anyone see's them go down, please post.. Thanks
  15. New Code: Sunny30 June 21st to 30th. Kohls cash for every 50 spent.. June 21st to 30th Rememption dates for Kohls cash: July 1st to the 14th
  16. Went in a different one last night. Still 30%. All the woman standing around were commenting on it.. lol Guess they visit here..
  17. Candy still 30 here. Ridiculous! I left it, they can keep it.. lol
  18. Heaters were only 30% at ours, scored a heated king blanket last night. Got the toothpaste last week but looked for more last night. Nothing left in 1 target, looking at a different today
  19. Plus earn Kohls cash redeemable Feb 19th through March 5th Overlap days Feb 19th and 20th.
  20. 30% used from Jan 11th - Jan 21st. Kohls cash with every $50 spent, earned Jan 11th - Jan 15th.....to be used Jan 16th - Jan 26th. Yea overlapping days!! Jan 16th to 21st..
  21. Ran into a different one today, scored 7 oreo's.. 3 scissors. More scissors were left. No RR but checking another one tonight. I was able to get one yesterday but would love one for a gift next year
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