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Posts posted by kmbrly

  1. I really want this set. I tried calling the number RossMAN listed, but they are currently experiencing "an extremely high call volume". (How many of y'all are on hold??)

    So I sent them an email. $179 is still an amazing deal for this product, but $149 is even better. I added it to my wishlist last night at the $149 price, but like others, when I went back, the price jumped.

  2. I will be very busy the morning of the 26th. I plan on hitting WM, Big Lots, Wallgreens and maybe Target.

    I want to stock up on gift sets and stuff for next year, but I also need a new tree, ornaments and lights for next year. Might try to hold out on the tree until they're 75% off, not sure yet.

  3. is it for your home? Do you have a propane company close by?


    I used to heat and cook with propane (years ago) and the company that I bought propane from put the tank on my property. The only obligation I had was that I HAD to purchase propane from them, couldn't get it from anyone else.

  4. Wish I could help, but I can't. There's no telling with SWA. Maybe around the 1st of the year? Don't bother calling and asking either, been there done that.. The response I got was "we don't know either".


    This was last year that I was looking for a flight for Christmas, and they were only selling through Dec 12 FOREVER. I think they finally updated early November, after I had already booked with American Airlines.


    Good luck. (can't tell from reading this post, but I really do like SWA...LOL)

  5. Are you talking about for etools? or for meetings?


    The only way to get the code for etools (that I know of) is in the "Getting Started" book that they give you at the meetings the first week.


    WW meetings have gotten really expensive. ($38 to join, $15 a week, whether you go or not). I just this week started back to WW online. It's $29 to join, then $16.xx a month, much more affordable.


    Sorry I couldn't help ya out with a code.

  6. When calling hotels directly inquiring about rates, never take the first "special" they offer. Chances are, that "special" is just their normal 10% discount (AAA, AARP, Govt., etc).

    All hotels have "resistance" rates. Hotels provide their Central Reservation Centers with the lowest rate that they'll sell a room for. Sometimes it's called "Best Rate", sometimes it's called a "Manager's Special", or something else, depending on the hotel brand. I worked for Best Western and ours were Mgr Specials, BW Best Rate, or RaceFan Rate (something like that -- same as Best Rate, but geared toward Nascar fans, because BW is "the official hotel of Nascar").

    If you say you're just shopping around, or the rate is a little more than you were looking to spend, they'll come back with a lower rate. And it's usually about $10-$20 cheaper than the rate they quoted you to begin with.


    I used to make up prices, just to get them to book. LOL. Or if they were a walk in, and clearly not going to stay at Rack Rate, I've been known to give a discount because they knew what state they were in.

  7. I loved the UPS guy I used to have. He delivered enough to my house that he should have had his own key LOL (I got alot of Partylite shipments)... He would take the time to put my boxes out of direct view from the road, then write me a note and leave on my door telling me where my boxes were.

    Or, if he was going to be in the area, he would just reroute and drop it off to me at work.


    My UPS guy was the bestest!!!

  8. There is a user manual on the hard drive if you need it, or you can download it.


    The extended warranty was $68 and adds an additional 2 years to the included 1 year. It actually is a good warranty from what I understand.


    $68 for an additional 2 years is awesome in my opinion. I think the last extended warranty I purchased for 2 additional years was just under $200.

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