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Posts posted by Momto32003

  1. I am with all or you early birds. Wish mine was going up NOW!! Hubby would freak out. LOL. Since he has a drill next weekend it will probably be the following weekend. Kids have there Christmas pics shceduled for that day and then we will come home and take there Christmas card PICs in front of a lit fireplace with there stockings above and decorate afterwards.
  2. HUbby is going to get a 52in for $2100, warranty for $150 and they are going to throw in a $300 TV stand for free. He isn't going to wait and he is getting it now. Hope it doesn't bite him in the butt later.


    Thanks all!! Good Luck with getting your new TVs.

  3. Thanks, he is looking at something between 42 and 57 in. He needs a certain one that he can play his video games on. Not sure which kind it is. He is also looking for one without a glare and one you can see no matter where you are standing/sitting I know they are upwards towards $2000 though.


    Thanks again...We are definetly keeping our eyes open.

  4. DH wants a Big Screen. He is not a BF shopper but lucky for him I am. LOL :g_dance:


    I told him he should want until BF to get one. Maybe if he can't get one from the early bird specials (can't get in line or no-one has any) he still might find a better sale.


    What do you all think? Am I leading him on to wait that long to get it?


    TIA!! :D

  5. Not sure if this is a good deal or not but DH and I thought it was so we bought it. We paid $199 for it at Kmart and from what we have seen both the camera and printer resale for over $100 a piece.




    In the picture is shows the samera as kind of a ghost but you get the camera and printer dock, paper for printing, ink cartridge, and all the supplies (cords) to hook it up to the computer.


    They also have on that is either the z740 series WITH the dock or one that looks exactly like it for also $199.


    I am hoping this is/was a deal. ;)

  6. Thanks!! My DH is asking for one and this looks like comes with a lot of things.


    If it's not on the website does that mean they won't get it in until BF?!?! :cry2:

  7. I am looking at the WalMart day ads and need help with something. There is something towards the end of the book that looks like an air compressor(sp?). It is blue and the price is $246.73. Could someone please tell me the name so I can look it up? I tried to find it on the list of WalMart things but I can't find it. Maybe I am overlooking it?


    THANKS SO MUCH!!! :clapping:

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