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Posts posted by diane175

  1. I have done that myself. When the Fur-real cats were huge and limited supplies everywhere, KB Toys had them for $20. I was first in line with my parents (yes they both showed up to check out BF!) They were just there to browse and experience, but a lady whom I used to work with 3 yrs ago wanted a Cat. She is the sweetest lady.I know she didn't have a lot of money, but shes the kind of mom who would do with out so her kids would have a good christmas. My husband gets bonus checks and we had just got it. When I told my parents that, we agreed to get an extra ticket for a cat. (She was at least 40 people back). KB told us there was only 25 cats available. As my daughter played with hers, I knew her tastes. AFter checking out (I paid for the second cat) I surprised her with the cat as I was leaving. She tried to pay me, but I couldn't allow it. It really felt great to help her out as she used to babysit for me when I was in a jam.


    That's really wonderful of you to do! I wish more people were like that at the stores. ;) It's always great to hear of people helping each other (especialy on BF)!

  2. I think ages 7 and 10 is old enough to go along...I think "small children" that belong at home are more like kids that are my kids' ages...almost 2, 4, and 5.5. I will be getting the deals online for the most part. I may venture out later in the day or later that weekend, if there are sale items I want that might still be in the stores...but when it's a decent hour to have them out, and when the most, um, "zealous" shoppers are already done shopping.


    I do see your point there. I know the crowds do get pretty rough and it would be unsafe for very young children to be there. I know it can get really bad when there is only one dvd player left. :runaway:

  3. A lot of people don't have a choice, though. I took my kids one year (ages 7 and 10 then) and it was cold but we stayed in the truck til they opened the heated foyer doors. Once the doors opened they were so into getting the items that they are hooked now! My daughter even looks thru the ads to "help" me find items she would like for Christmas! She isn't in to subtle hints! ;)


    I haven't taken them the last couple of years though because it is harder to hide the items from them. LOL But I come back and get them later and we shop for their gifts they want to give.

  4. Hi Disneytati! I have found most of my best BF deals for makeup and perfume (girlie stuff ;) ) at Walgreen's and Target. If you have those stores around your area I would look at those ads also. My daughter and her cousin are sooooo into all the makeup and perfumes that I go to Walgreens for most of it. I don't know if they price match, but they are usually not very busy after the first hour of opening here. Good luck and SHOW NO FEAR! LOL :D
  5. My best was actually on T-giving day several years ago. I got to Kmart parking lot about 4 am and was the first there. I went up to the door and waited my 2 hours as people started to dwindle in to get in line. I was there for one thing - the Gameboy Color - and that was it. Well, about 30 minutes to open the employees came out and started to hand out tickets for limited items. Once they announced they had only like 10 or 15 gameboys, everyone started to shove in to get their ticket. I was panicked! This was all my son really wanted that year! As they handed out the tickets I thought my chance was gone, but this woman whom I had been talking to in line, raised up for a ticket and got it. She turned back to me and said "Merry Christmas". I was so grateful that I helped her get the two toy items she was there for, for her children. We need more people like that on BF! BTW the gameboy made my son's Christmas! :D
  6. I know a lot of people are there at the store to get what they want and with limited quantities, we strive to get the item before everyone else. But I have to say my biggest peeve on BF are rude people. We are all there to get stuff before the other, granted, but to physically shove a child (and I have seen this happen) is just- to me - pushing it a little too far (no pun intended). So what are your biggest BF pet peeves and what other things have you witnessed that you don't agree with? I love BF and I await it every year with HUGE anticipation, but sometimes I see things that make you wonder where the Christmas spirit has gone! :holiday12 Don't they know Santa is watching? LOL
  7. Hi! I am new to the ad matching at stores. I just learned of it last year at BF. I didn't know that the stores would match cheaper prices of other retailers! I was hooked after that! :cheesy: Do you think its not worth the hassle or are you an ad match junkie like me?
  8. The one year my sister made department manager at Walmart, she brought home a copy of the store's layout for BF. We were sitting in my kitchen like two generals planning a raid! It was so funny, we even commented all we needed was the camouflage makeup and we were good to go! Unfortunately though she quit working there a year ago, so our inside "spy" is gone. But that year was great because we knew exactly where we needed to go! It was the quickest and smoothest BF trip to Walmart I have ever had!
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