Add me to the list of taking my kids. Not a sob story, but last year my husband was deployed and i had my 2 yr old and 4 mo old. They were fully clothed with my 2 yr old in her stroller and blanket, 4 mo old was in the Baby Bjorn. We waited in the car at TRU until the line started growing, they opened the store early, so we were only outside for 10-15 was not as busy as I thought it was going to be. I would not wait outside for hours though with little ones. Mine was a quick, go to a couple stores, and go home. The kids did great (the 4 mo old slept pretty much the whole time) and the 2 year old LOVED it, chatting everyone we met. She didn't want to go home *ha* This year my husband "should" be around, but I haven't seen anything yet that would get me up early this year.