I'm looking for a contract renewal deal (upgrading to smartphone for son) on Verizon for the Samsung Galaxy SIII phone. Who has the best deal out? Should I wait until Christmas is a little closer?
I ordered the sling shot pens about 3 weeks ago, and received them last week. 2 week turn around, so if you put in an order soon might have some good luck!
It's not just you, I am disappointed in them as well. Especially after seeing Walmart's ad this morning. Walmart has been recycling the Black Friday sales for the last few years. I could of predicted 99% of everything in its ad this year.
My bank account has been charged for my "attempted order??" but when I was tying to submit the order it sent me to a "Sorry" page and to try back later. So I have no clue if my order went through or not. Very frustrating!!!