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Everything posted by HC

  1. http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/11/25/MNG93FTTJA1.DTL Good going, Ross!
  2. Mmm, that was good stuff. :) They have awesome ice cream cakes, but they are REALLY expensive, it seems to me. Flavors? Don't get the cake batter ice cream - it's pure sugar. I like just plain chocolate ice cream with raspberries wrapped in it.
  3. Sorry about the wrong forum stuff, still getting used to the whole "deals" thing. :)
  4. One of my little sisters asked for a "Neopet Voice Activated Plushie" for her birthday (and I quote.) WTH is that anyway?? Her other choice was a cell phone. Since she's NINE! no cell. The neopet stuff doesn't seem too high priced, but it seems a little under her age range. Oh well - any coupons? It's available at Target-like stores. Other option is to get her a gameboy type thing. Coupons on that type of object? Any game suggestions?
  5. From you, and I filled in my referral information when I registered, like a good little girl. I mod the referral program at work - why anyone would voluntarily take such hell upon them?
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