I have a site to store order that has taken over 3 weeks and still not here its was a birthday present that is now really late..i think i am going to cancel it..they said it was delayed and they dont know when it going to come in..
FYE had the DS for $99 after $30 rebate mail in rebate and Free shipping. Is there worth it or should I get the new one. Its for a 7yo who doesnt really play the WII but wants one for car ride etc.
Thanks..our still hasnt marked it down yet. I still not sure what to do. DD is going to be 8 and wants the DS but doesnt really play the Wii that much.
Not sure if this is the right place..Do you think the price is lowere since a new DS is coming out in April. My DS wants one so bad but I am not sure if I should buy old model or wait till the new one comes out.