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Everything posted by nancydrew

  1. Aw I must've just missed out on this, the code is now invalid
  2. The code is working fine for me, but the free shipping isn't working for me once I apply the code. I think I might call them!
  3. Im so glad I seen this thread. I would much rather pay less to stay in a house with 5 bedrooms than pay more to stay in a hotel with 2 rooms. VRBO has so many and its SO hard to choose! Im checking out headfororlando.com now, are there any other suggestions?
  4. My 3 yr old son has one and he loves it. Its all he wants to do.
  5. Oh man, so does mine. ANYTHING plastic, he will lick it for hours. Heres some indoor repellants Ive used over the years and have had decent luck with keeping my cats out of my tree.. http://www.petfooddirect.com/store/product_detail.asp?pf%5Fid=1017804&dept%5Fid=12&brand%5Fid=43&mscssid=EJ00MNWAWCF08P53QKGBTD936UDN6QLC http://www.petco.com/Shop/petco_Product_Nav_207_sku_20214_R_8068_enemerch_1.aspx?cm_re=207-_-TopSellers2-_-20214
  6. my first 3 orders as a rewards member came with free shipping, but the last one did not, and when i called them i was told that i would never have a problem with shipping again, something about having to update something, and they were fixing it so from here on out all rewards customers will be offered free shipping. but i was told that from now on IF i do have a problem with that, to call CS before submitting my order, tell them the issue, and they will have you submit the order while they have you on the line, and they will immediately take off the shipping charges, so that they dont have to issue a credit to your CC or bank account.
  7. i called BBW to see if i could call in an order for the bears. the low price is a glitch, and thats why they are 'updating' now. the real price on them are 37.50. hopefully those of you that got in still get them at that price.
  8. all our Kmarts were closed and the one that remained is now a Sears Essentials. Its not all that bad, considering how bad it sucked when it was kmart.
  9. i dont see any left in stock.. that went quick.
  10. i ended up having to send it all back. since it was unopened i wasnt charged to send it back to them. no matter how many people you talk to and how many times u show them your confirmation email they refuse to let you have them for free. they never charged my CC either but did send an invoice.
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