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Everything posted by magickallight

  1. Happy New Year from LA (Lower Alabama)
  2. That STINKS! I just placed an order with them for 3 bears that were 75% off the sale price - I sure hope they don't cancel mine!
  3. FANTASTIC POST! I grabed "3" of the bears - awesome valentine's gifts for my kids! That's $450.00 worth of bears for $29.11!!!!!! Since shipping was only $10.00 I went ahead and ordered some other great deals for "ME"! Thank you so much for finding this!
  4. AWESOME Deal! Can they go in the microwave with the trim on them?
  5. I am not going ANYWHERE! I LOVE this site and am on it EVERY DAY! (Plus - all the people on it are a BIG PLUS - you guys are AWESOME!)
  6. That STINKS! I am so sorry!
  7. We stay HOME - too many drunks on the road to go anywhere, plus - it's hard to beat my DH's cooking! This year my 9 year old picked the snick snacks - he had never tried escargot - so we will make that for his sake, along with crab legs, lobster cakes and other munchies. We have our bottle of champagne for midnight and he has his sparkling cider,,, Ho, Hum, I know - but safe, secure and GREAT EATS!
  8. Were they recorded discs (ones that you copied) or original discs? Just wondering - as I have been thinking of buying a portable player for my son - and want to stear clear of problem players!
  9. Bless your heart - hang in there - it will get done sooner or later.
  10. Down is AWESOME - you will LOVE it! Congrats on the awsome deal!
  11. May all of you have a Healthy, Happy & Fun Filled Holiday.
  12. I'd love to try some of their stuff - what is best?
  13. Lets do it! Let's have a re-gifting party and all exchange the junk (I mean wonderful stuff) that we didn't want to begin with! Sounds like FUN to me!!!!!
  14. Guess what??? It showed up today! Amazon is back in my good graces again! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  15. Just wait until he hit's his teens!
  16. I wrap mine all at the same time - but use different wrapping paper for the Santa Gifts.
  17. Well, it's the 23rd and NOTHING Glad I didn't wait to do any of my shopping... would have been fun, though!
  18. Amazon has REALLY let me down this year! I ordered a bake set for my daughter on the 5th - and it has still not arrived! They said it would be here between the 21st and the the 23rd - but the order still shows that it has not shipped and it's the 23rd! Emailed them yesterday and NO REPLY! Guess she will get an IOU this year.
  19. Grocery shopping is OUT OF SIGHT! Went Wednesday and spent $237 (and used coupons!) OUCH! No money left now for all the Great Deals... but I still peak at them... teee, heeee.
  20. My hubby won't let it go higher than 68! I keep a warming lap blanket on me while I am at the computer - but my hands are like ICE CUBES! Brrrrrrrrrrrr!
  21. Going into the 60's with rain in the forecast here.
  22. Great, thanks.
  23. http://www.jcpenney.com/jcp/featurestory.aspx?CatTyp=LFS&DeptID=2652&CatID=30830&RefPageName=Default%252Easpx&RefDeptID=&RefCatID&cm_ven=EML&cm_cat=CLEAR&cm_pla=BDY&cm_ite=Hero%2fHeadline Hope this link works - looks like a GREAT SALE!
  24. I would be honest with him and let him know that money is really tight right now - let him know that you want to get him something he really wants - and let him give you some less expensive suggestions. Kids understand more than we give them credit for sometimes - and knowing that money is tight might make him appriciate what he receives even more.
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