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Posts posted by adewrell

  1. I just got off the phone with guest relations. They are calling the store to find out what happened on their end. She apologized for the store, and said that even if I had moved the merchandise to a different shelf, no harm no foul. It's all clearance and it happens.


    I know that they can ask me to leave and not come back. They can do that. What I take issue with is the way that the situation was handled, in the aisle, with other customers.


    P.S. It was a garbage can, but it's the outdoor ones back like with the water hoses and stuff... not really IN the garbage.

  2. Christmas Eve I went in to Target and hid a $30 christmas stocking dig****** ornament and a $16.99 cast iron breadpan with gingerbread people on it behind a box of crackers. Yesterday I went back to get them for 90% off...and they were still there. My local Target has not stocked crackers in 2 weeks :eyepoppin


    So I got my 2 items for 4.69 plus tax!!! LOL

    I have been every day for over a week doing recon in my store. I don't hide things personally, but I know other people do. So I spent about 3 hours yesterday searching the store aisle by aisle. This morning when things went 90%, I was at the door 10 minutes prior to opening and went straight for the things that I knew where were. I was pulling some things out of an outdoor garbage can and the manager walked up behind me and told me that she was going to have to ask me to leave. WHAT??? She said that they had found several of the things that I had hidden and they had been watching me and my friends (other Gottadealers... hey guys, you know who you are) and they knew what we were up to. She went on to tell me that she doesn't understand why when things are already 75% off that we feel that we need to hide them and get them even cheaper. She said that one of my friends said that she donates her stuff but the manager knows that she doesn't. Actually she does. Long story short... too late... I got my things this morning, but I was told that if I come back in the store, I will be arrested for trespass.

  3. Target on Winchester in Memphis, TN and Horn Lake, MS still holding at %75%. Not much worth left picking over either. I 've checked the Target on Winchester for 5 days straight and they aren't budging. Not sure if I'll even bother tomorrow. It's a 40 minute drive for me, and I'm beginning to add up my gas costs and reconsider if it's worth the hunt anymore.

    I thought Winchester didn't have anything anyway? Horn Lake still has a pretty decent amount of stuff (trees, ornaments, gift sets LOTS of edibles). Damon (the manager at Horn Lake) said coporate told them to mark it Sunday to Tuesday depending on inventory, so I would say all stores who are still 75% will be 90% tomorrow.


    I'm waiting on Cordova!!!

  4. I wonder if that means the Cordova, TN Targets are still 75%. I really don't feel like driving crosstown to Collierville.



    Colonial and Forest Hill/Irene are 90%. Cordova is still 75. I asked the manager at Horn Lake what the difference was and he said that corporate told them Sunday to Tuesday, depending on their inventory. Olive Branch will go Monday, Horn Lake won't go until Tuesday.


    The manager (Mike) at Olive Branch is very helpful and extremely talkative. No offense Mike. I love you!!! The toy department resets this week and next week in waves. So some of the toys will go to 75% this week and others won't go until next week.


    Hope that helps my fellow Memphians. Welcome Rochelle. Hi Rachel!!!

  5. There are several threads that discuss this. I don't know how to link them, but if you search for them I'm sure that you will find a wealth of information.


    I think the consensus is that it is absolutely worth every penny and once you have it, you will not let it lapse, ever.

  6. Don't worry, you won't need to cancel it. Once you've had it, you will pay the $79 every year and never think twice. I absolutely LOVE it. Most of my stuff comes in the day before it says it will, some stuff on the day it says, but never late.


    And TRUST ME... when they start the toy clearance just before Christmas, you will be VERY happy that you have prime.

  7. I bought this in the Amazon Christmas toy blitz (the 1 gig one) for $25. I bought 4 of them. one for my daughter, one for my niece, and two to donate to the giving tree kids. My daughter and my niece both absolutely LOVE them and they work great. Of course I can't say for the other two.


    The clothes and accessory packs are $5 - $10 and are available at Target & Wal-Mart. Actually I have bought several dozen of the accessory packs as well on clearance at Target for $2.xx.

  8. I went this morning and racked up on dish cloths, kitchen towels, muffin pans, Fruit Rollups, fruit snacks, Littlest Pet Shop, Magna Doodles, Play Doh, lined wicker baskets, fleece blankets, table runners, placemats, microfiber blankets, and a ton of stuff that I can't remember.


    Oh and I found 8 packs of MM ... all Fruit punch, but hey for 69cents she can drink the same punch for two weeks!

  9. They do that because companies (Nintendo, iPod, etc) don't allow vendors (Best Buy, WalMart, etc) to advertise their items at prices below standard. The vendor can sell them at a loss, but they can't "advertise" that they are doing so.


    If the price says "Add to Cart to See Price", then they haven't advertised it. Does that make sense?

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