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Everything posted by teebee

  1. teebee

    How do you wrap?

    Just wrapping paper. I love to wrap presents
  2. Way, way, way tooooo many!!! We have spoiled them and presents are usually everywhere. I wish so much we could change it but, sorry to say, it is too late
  3. Christmas Story It's a Wonderful Life Any of the classic cartoons: Frosty, Rudolph, Little Drummer Boy, etc.
  4. One present on Christmas eve and the rest Christmas morning. The stockings are always last.
  5. Congrats to you all. :)
  6. I have the 18' one and love, love, love it. We are in it everyday. School starts Monday so, I guess it will just be me. yippee
  7. Cool, thanks Brad
  8. Can you tell us what the new item is yet? I'm going crazy.
  9. yeah, yeah, post a pic, tell us. Please!!!!
  10. Welcome to all of the new members. Addicting....oh yes, you'll see
  11. I usually put stuff in my closet or the attic. My son (16) knows where it is and I tell him if he wants to ruin his Christmas, then go ahead and look. He never does (that I know of anyway). My daughter (6) knows better than to go in my room and she is always with me and doesn't have time to snoop.
  12. Glad you got it fixed
  13. I can see them
  14. I was wondering the same thing....what is it?? Thanks for letting us know.
  15. oh, please, please tell us. I'm going crazy waiting.
  16. I searched everywhere and didn't come up with anything. I even went on the barbie website and couldn't find anything. I asked a friend who works at wal-mart in toys and she has never heard of it but, she said she will keep her eyes open for it.
  17. I hope if the mods find out they will sneak a hint to us. :) I hope it's a hoodie too!!!
  18. Ooohh, I'm getting excited! Thanks for the update Brad.
  19. teebee

    SPAM PMs

    Thanks Brad!!! Even though I never received the PM. :)
  20. yep but, they are going quick.
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