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Everything posted by savaladez

  1. Buy extra newspapers. You don't always get all of the ads in a single newspaper.
  2. you think I will be able to price match in best buy for this?
  3. These are the specs for that laptop: Toshiba A135-S7403 Celeron 530 512MB Ram 80GB HD 15.4 Screen Kind of crappy but cheap.
  4. Could that be the old DS hardware and not the DS Lite one?
  5. Good luck. Walmart will be pulling the product off the shelves the night before since the ads will be out and they know what to pull off.
  6. What are the benefits bussines-side you had with them being an affiliate?
  7. savaladez

    BF DVDs

    What?. No Simpsons this year??????? I have been holding out on seasons 9 and 10 all year long!!!
  8. Last year BF's were a Frigidaire pair for $999 (reg. price $1299) They actually are clearancing the same models right now : Washer - ATFB6000ES - $569.99 Dryer - AEQB6000ES - $474.99 So about the same price now that last year Black Friday's price.
  9. Isn't the 10% off pricematch policy applied only to the difference. If so, you will save only about $2 pricematching.
  10. My best: My Daughter on Christmas Eve 2004 My Worst: None. Always getting a present is good no matter what it is
  11. Are there many different orchestras?. I notice they are in different cities across the country on the very same day.
  12. 10% off or $10 USD off?
  13. Why do they need to have their own Wii?.
  14. Not true. Running til the 23rd.
  15. Been there Jan. 1st. Nothing on clearence. Waste of time.
  16. I think this is the one you're talking about: http://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=6951&pid=413116 It is $49.99 online
  17. Any Mario Mixes being seen lately in stores? eBay prices are plain ridiculous
  18. Never seen a Nintendo Wavebird for 19.99 in Target regular price. Must be the other brands controllers.
  19. Could it be the TV itself is the one haunted?. Maybe you have a defective TV. Better keep checking it. Take the batteries out from the remote and see if the TV keeps behaving.
  20. I think somebody said it is $24.99 for 3 years at Target.
  21. Are you giving away your account too?. My understanding is that you have to make the purchase using the same account you used for getting the code. If not, the code is worthless.
  22. Pay off the bike and cancel the credit card .
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