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Posts posted by savaladez

  1. please help me, i keep trying to get walmart map for my store, it keeps changing my store to a store i DO NOT EVER GO TO, i reselect my store (change store) and then i try to hit map for it and it gives me the wrong one--over and over and over.

    ANY IDEAS, so I can SEE the MAP in time??HELP

    Could it be they don't have a map for your store.

  2. Did anyone else hear this rumor? Or maybe it's confirmed.


    Walmarts are opening at 10PM but you can't buy electronics until Midnight? If that's true, there's going to be riots at the stores as I've not seen or heard this advertised at all..

    What do you mean not advertised?.. First page of the ad says "Friday 12am Electronics"

  3. I understand both sides, I really do. My baby sister works at Kmart. She is sceduled to open Thanksgiving and then close black friday. She didn't get a choice or volunteer. She needs a job. So she will do it. Thanksgiving dinner will be here waiting for her when she gets off. I think it makes you realize that you should be THANKFUL everyday and spend time with the ones you love EVERYDAY, not just certain days deemed holidays.


    My family is all spread out, besides me and my sister. AND both my parents and DH's are divorced and remarried. We find ourselves having holidays on different days OFTEN to accomodate everyone. Like I said my Dh works holidays, always has. I think that makes my view a little different then most.


    I don't think WORKERS petitioning will help...it would have to be SHOPPERS that do it. If shoppers don't show up retail managment has no reason to open. But that is of course NOT going to happen. So who is to blame? Retail or shoppers?

    I think if retail would open at 8am Friday, shoppers still would go.

  4. Credit Cards is worse than using layaway. At least if you can't afford what you put on layaway all you lose it 10.00 and the 5.00 fee. When you put it something on a credit card you have to pay interest if you don't get it paid for in the specified amount of time. If you can't afford the payments then you have to pay interest charges plus late fees and it goes on your credit report. I think I'll stick with layaway.


    I really hope that this is true for BF items also. If so, then I can definitely hang out until 8 so I can put the Xbox 360 on layaway and the PS3 on layaway.

    If you find out you can't afford it using a credit card then you just return the item and get the money back. It would be in the return window timeframe making the comparison to layaway. And bettter yet, you won't lose the fee they charge for layaway.

  5. Yes it will be recorded as all of the shows are recorded and posted to ustream. You can even watch last nights show.


    The retailer is not a major one but it is news.

    Didn't you mention that retailer last night?. Is it a secret?. Because I think I know what it is, but don't want to spoil your webcast for tonight :-)

  6. Ok, I have to admit Wal-Mart is really tempting me with that pretty blue Wii for $99! I have been torn on buying a Wii for a long time, as I'm so backlogged on the games I have and there isn't TOO much I want for the Wii.

    Be warned that from the ad it seems that blue Wii does not come with any games. So you will have to pony up more money for at least a game.

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