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Everything posted by happylady

  1. It isn't very nice of CC to do this, but this is what you get when you try to place your order: "All of your items are unavailable. Click the Continue button to continue shopping." Rats! Great site though.... bookmarked!
  2. Get ready to be on a back order list if you are looking for the wireless bundle like I am! I went to Gamestop yesterday, online, ordered, they took $$$, all was ok. This afternoon I received an email stating it was on back order and would be shipped by 12/6. Good Luck! -- Hap ps... if you find it, post where please! Thx.
  3. ddrdancing.com.. scroll down on the left to find gamecube! $59.95 Good luck!
  4. Todays ad for Academy Sports has a wide range of prices for their skateboards. (Academy.com) You may also want to try Zumiez.com Good luck!
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