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  1. See the worst part of my story, is not that I waited since 1:00 am in line, is not that it was freezing cold. No no, my experience is the worst is because even though I did my best, I still got screwed. So me and my boyfriend went to compusa at 1:00am, waited in line, were second in line. We got in the door, looked for the geforce 6800, there were none on the shelves, so I went straight for an employee. There was already a guy talking to the employee, but I was second. Me and this guy followed this employee all throughout the store for about 10 minutes while he tried to located the cards. Then I see this older dude in a blue jacket walk in the door, he comes and asks him too, and proceeds to join the parade along with about 7 others. While walking along of course, this jerk pushes me against the metal shelves several times while trying to keep my place in "line". Well, turns out there were only 2 cards in the entire store, so obviously, you would think me and the guy that talked to him first got it right? Nope, see the problem is I'm a woman, even worse a girl, and couldn't possibly want a high quality graphics card. So the guy gives one to the guy that was rightfully in front of me, looks at me and says "you're with him" (nodding to the first dude), then hands the other card to the guy that didn't even enter the store till many minutes after our search for the card. So I said to him while the parade walks to the registers, "I don't understand, I'm not with this guy, I don't even know him", he says "so?". I say to him, "but I asked you for the card in line after him" . He says "tons of people have asked me for this card today", I say "yes, but I was second after the other guy you gave the card to", he says "oh well" and walks off. Soooo I relate my story to the store manager, and he gives me "his business card" and says to call later and see if any more show up, just to get me to shut up. That's only one of the many infractions done to me just trying to get a simple stupid card, not to mention that no one I talked to would even speak to me while looking me in the eye or my general direction at all, as if I was some small fly on their manly wall of hardware. So not only was I second in line outside, I was second in line for the actual card, and still no go, because... I couldn't possibly want a card because I'm female and must be with a man? I dunno, maybe I'm going to far, but I didn't even speak a word to this man I was supposedly "with". And this isn't even going into the fact that their online store counted 12 available at this location, there were only 2 handed out by the employee, the first employee to go through those doors full of hardware, and when I check out my nice little sonata case (which I could have easily have bought online without the urge to strangle people), I find out from the cashier that there were 10 available at store opening and taken. The only reasonable conclusion I can draw from that is that the other 8-10 were reserved for employees. Sigh... (and no I'm not a feminist or any some such, but I do believe I was overlooked merely because I was the only female there)
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