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Everything posted by Jackel

  1. WE GOT THE TV My friend has this tv and LOVES it. We got to Walmart at 11:30 last night with 2 other people in line. I was #3 and my DH was #4. We got two of these, one for us and one for my mom. She has Lupus and her body couldn't handle staying up for that long. My Walmart only got 4 in and then they sold the display. The guy behind DH got the display but they wouldn't give him a discount. I was SO tired today, I was up for 24 hours and then came home and slept for 3 hours and got up. And I am still going (sort of lol)
  2. I got two papers today. One for me and one for my mom. Both papers were missing Walmart, Kmart, AND Shopko's ad so I am printing them off right now from their websites.
  3. I am going for the 52 inch RCA HDTV at Walmart. How early do you think I will need to be in line?
  4. I have never bought anything this big before and was wondering how they handed big screen's out? Do you stand in line and get a ticket that says it's yours or do you just have to jump on top of it and proclaim that it's yours lol? Once you get it do you have to shove this huge TV to your truck or will they help you load it? Any advice is VERY welcome :)
  5. I am looking at kmart.com right now looking at their ad for the Thanksgiving day sale. I am trying to get the DVD/VCR combo. Well their ad says it is 64.99 with a $10 mial in rebate ( I HATE rebates ) If you click on it, it says Limit 1 rebate per household through 11/23/06. See store for details. So does this mean I can only get one DVD player or does it mean I can only use one rebate? I really need 2 of these. HELP!!!
  6. The zip code for mine is 84041
  7. Everybody is talking about secret items and I have NO idea what you guys are talking about lol. Where did everybody hear about these secret items? And when will they have them, will it be Thursday night or Friday for BF? How/when will we know what they are? I am sorry if my questions have already been answered, it's just driving me crazy not knowing
  8. I am SO confused now. My kmart always has a Thanksgiving day sale but the PP is right, the front of the ad says closed Thanksgiving day????
  9. Last year I got my son the 20 inch flatscreen TV with DVD player for like 90 bucks I think. My Walmart had a TON and there were still some there when I went in the next day. But from what I read on here, last year everybody's Walmart seemed to get a different quantity on different items. Some people's Walmart only have 20 laptops where as others had 50-100.
  10. None, DH gets 3 paychecks in Oct. The thrid check goes to nothing but groceries so I get the whole rest of it for BF/Christmas shopping.
  11. I went to Walmart, I didn't have much on my list but I got everything I wanted I got, 20 inch TV/DVD combo for $98 Lightsaber for $8 Cabbage patch newborn for $10 Sewing Machine for $55 Pajamas for $10 I priced matched targets ad and got Quake 4 for $30
  12. I left at 3am and got home got home at about 7:30
  13. I planned spending $125, not much, but then I saw the flyer at my Walmart where they lowered the price of the TV/DVD combo so I had to get it so I spent $225 so only a hundred dollars more, not bad at all.
  14. Jackel

    Talking In Line

    I like talking to the other people, it helps pass the time and it helps to have a buddy to help you get what you want
  15. Walmart, but since I didn't go anywhere else I don't have anything else to judge them against LOL. My Walmart was pretty good no fighting and I didn't get shoved once. And I got everything I went for
  16. I was wondering how Walmart handles the TV's? Do they just have them on a pallet and then cut the plastic and everybody charges in? Or do you stand in line and they hand you one? If everybody charges in I don't want my TV broken or be pushed and drop it and TV's are heavy so I don't know if I could grap one and RUN LOL. I am going for the 20 inch TV/DVD combo. Thanks
  17. Jackel

    Pay Day?

    My hubby gets paid on Friday's but since he wont be in the office he gets his check on Wen. He also gets paid for BOTH days
  18. That would be SO cool. I would love to see those pics.
  19. I shower the night before. Then when I get up I pull my hair back and put on some make-up and then I am out the door.
  20. I love those pics, they make me all the more excited
  21. Jackel

    Not Happy

    Man that just sucks, I am so sorry that this happened. Good Luck with the job hunt.
  22. Yeah it is, I wish I could go buy me stuff at best buy but the kids win, I will be at Walmart buying the cabbage patch newborn, care bear and leap pad writting system.
  23. Those are some good tips especially #6, don't worry I am not going to BB LOL
  24. This is SO exciting. I CAN'T WAIT
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