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  1. Did you buy the printer that went with the bundle too? If so, when the cashier hit 'total' it should have packaged the prices together to match the $199.97. It only works if you buy all 3 items though.
  2. Most of the presents here are from Santa, but a few are from Mom and Dad. Usually I find something that is really cool that that wasn't asked for and make that from us. The kids also buy each other one gift...my oldest ds picks out the gift for his little brother, and I just stick little brother's name on one thing for big brother. Santa also mails the kids' pj's to wear on Christmas Eve night/Christmas morning. I mail 2 empty decorated envelopes to the house and then fill them with the pj's when they get here. My dh always brings them in on Christmas Eve when he gets home from work...I put them outside the door before he gets home.
  3. I hide them in the garage here. There are some totes out there with stuff in them anyway...and some are empty. I just put them in the empty totes. I hid ds's Wii on top of a kitchen cabinet because I would cry if he accidently found it.
  4. We use Commerce Bank's penny arcade. I don't have an account with them, and they always give me the money...no Visa check card. I just have to give them my name and address to put on the slip.
  5. We have one of the small ones from Walmart too, and it was great at our old house. Our central air didn't work reliably, and our landlord didn't want to pay to fix it. I don't know how big of an area you want to cool, but it kept the downstairs at a comfortable temp, about 500 sq ft.
  6. The color wonder stuff was only 30% here yesterday, $6.98. Also some of the newer candles were 30% off too. Nothing else exciting. The big boxes of Pampers diapers are still 15% off, and they are out of size 4 now.
  7. Went tonight and only bought one thing! There just wasn't anything I wanted, except one. I got a Tornado Mop which is the rag mop with the built-in twisty ringer for 50% off, $4.98. I always break sponge mops from pressing too hard, so maybe this will work better, and it looks really easy to ring the water out of it. It was hanging with the other mops with just a sticker on it. I figure if I break it too, I only spent $5 on it. I hate having white tile floors...they show every little speck!
  8. Thanks! I'd appreciate it. :) My husband gets paid once a month, so I like to just go and buy what I need for the month on stuff like diapers, wipes and other things. 27 is a bad number to be in the package since we always run out a few days before payday. I think I might email them and ask too if they sell bigger packages. My son knows that it is his responsibility to deal with them. He puts them on at night and takes them off and disposes of them in the morning. He doesn't always remember to tell me when he is almost out of them and I forget to check.
  9. Does anyone that belongs to one of membership places (Sam's or BJ's, Costco is too far away) know how much the Goodnights run there? Or if they even carry them in a bigger box? I used to find coupons on them, but I haven't lately. They seem to run around $14.39 for 27of them. I wish they would just put 30 or 31 in the pack lol. My son uses one per night. I wish he could stop using them, but I think it's going to be a little longer. I'd appreciate it if someone knows. He wears the S-M size.
  10. Oh, that's scary! I hope everyone is okay.
  11. I saw that the Pampers Swaddlers/Cruisers in the bigger boxes that are normally $26.00 were 15% off, $22.00. So there's something to watch for to go lower! I am on my last box of diapers left from the January clear out on the big boxes. I got those at 30% off and had $2.00 coupons on each box. I also saw a Target Home brand metal coat rack (the kind that stands on the floor, and is about 6 feet tall) for $9.98, 75% off. I only got a few picture frames for $1.24, 75% off and a vase for $2.48, 75% off. Until I found those things, I was empty handed!
  12. They were pulling all kinds of electronic stuff at our store when I was there. I don't know if it was going to salvage or not, but there were 6 associates discussing what they were going to be putting in that spot. I did not find much at all today. I got the Tide with Bleach powder mentioned for 50% off, $8.48. We can always use laundry detergent. I picked up a few candles that were marked 50% off too to go with a gift. Not much clearance otherwise except kids' clothes, but they were all just 30% off. I also saw the outdoor clocks and some statues for 30% off.
  13. The newer one in Harrisburg...the East side one. I didn't know it was there! I think it opened in October, but I kept hearing a radio ad for a tanning place next to the "new Target". I asked around and checked the website and decided to go there yesterday since I hadn't been to Target since last Sunday. lol I was having withdrawals! My friend who knew about that Target also told me about the one in Mechanicsburg. That Target was a bit behind on some of the markdowns...maybe because it's new. I'm not sure. Have you been there? It's set up like the West Manchester one, only reversed left to right. I saw the Super Target that is somewhere near the Nissan Pavillion last year when we went to the Depeche Mode concert. I believe it is the closest one, and as much as I love Target, it's just too far LOL We have a wedding to attend in June in DC, and I am trying to convince dh to just get a hotel for the night and check out that Target before we come home. lol
  14. Today, I found the exact story reader books I bought for easter at 75% off, so I bought them to return at 50%. I also got the Tonka fruit snacks for $0.89 which was on the shelf tag...the My Little Pony ones were that price too, just my boys wouldn't appreciate those. No MM juices. I hadn't seen this mentioned before either. I found the 8 pack of Danimals drink yogurt 30% off $2.99 marked down to $2.08. It was only the Banana and Strawberry Kiwi flavors. There was quite a bit of other cold foods marked down too, like Chocolate Kozy Shack yogurt. I didn't get any of it because I knew it wouldn't stay cold all the way home. This was a newer store that I hadn't been to before, and it way more freezer and refrigerator cases than any of the other Targets around here. (We don't have Super Targets.)
  15. Actually, I have never found any of them at the Galleria store, and I look every time I am in there and I go to that store about 4 times a week. I find them at the West York one, and the 5 in one day, I found in Cockeysville, MD. I was down that way for a doctor's appointment. My son is 5, and he knows the drill. He was down looking on the bottom shelf for 'ones that don't say 15 on them'. lol I always buy that brand anyway, so the 69¢ just makes it that much better. Easter was still 75% off today (mid-afternoon). They told me maybe tomorrow it would be 90%. I found the Gerber Graduates items on clearance finally. No puffs, but plenty of veggie crackers and other things little ds likes. I bought all but 2 of most of the stuff for toddlers. I missed those nice blankets going 75% off though. They only had two white ones left for $4.98. I wanted either the light or dark blue as I don't buy white anything for the kids. Thursday, they had a ton left at 50% off. I'll probably go to the other store in town to look for them tomorrow, but they were still 30% there the other day.
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