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  1. Steve & Barrys -- got a bunch today for $8.98
  2. DD 4yr has disney princesses and dora pinata party -- she loves them. For Christmas so far I have gotten her - Backyardigans and Go Diego Animal Rescue She loves it -- calls it her gameboy!
  3. Got my magellan today!! WOOHOO, we're opening presents in a few hours!
  4. I ordered a Magellan GPS on Th'giving Day -- was supposed to be at the local store today. I got an email yesterday saying because of all their sales there would be a delay. Of course, I can't get through on the 800 number to find out when it will be here. Wanted it for DH b-day this weekend!
  5. Mine came today from J&R ! I had never heard of them before - but ordered anyway (Thanksgiving Day) I was afraid I wouldn't get one on BF. I was right - couldn't find any! I had ordered 2 and they came today!!!
  6. Congrats and thanks for the site!
  7. Mine had something similar. 3 big lines -- down the main aisle towars electronics, down the main aisle through womens clothes andjewlry and one down the center aisle between girls clothes and greeting cards. The one from the electronics dept wasn't moving, so I went to the one beside greeting cards. It moved along quite nice. When I got to the front there was 1 guy directing people (all registers open); but the line from electrinics direction was merging into only 2 registers -- why it was going so slow. I feel like I was in and out timely. Unlike my 2 hrs in line last yr at CC
  8. My morning started out terrible! Luckily, I got my Zunes online last night -- paid a little more but I was afraid that TRU wouldn't have many. After talking to people in line at Target -- the first man in line at TRU bought them ALL to resell on Ebay! That just takes the Christmas out of Black Friday! My morning began with my left front tire that has been slowly leaking and us putting air in it. By the time I got to Sheetz at 5:40 am I was on the rim and the tire was 1/2 off!! Called DH and he came (kids in bed!), sent me out in his car and he put the spare on to come home!!! Got to TRU at about 5:10 -- could only find 1 thing I wanted so I left instead of waiting in line. Oh, I walked into a limb going acrooss the parking lot and it hit me in the eye! Bad part of the day over, but by now I thought I was doomed! Got to Target at 5:40 - line was all the way past petsmart! So got in there and got everything I wanted video chair DVDs shrek 3, ratatouille, davinci code, charlottes web and more FP twins baby doll set PJs and sleep pants littlest pet shop sets waffle maker pokemon play set furreal babies Then to Best Buy -- in and out with cooking mama and pirates of Carribean DS now 26 and hs musical 2 cd sansa flash drive and memory card monty python dvd To JoAnns -- collegiate fleece w/ 50% coupon lots of .99 flannel jewlery tools lots of notions 50% off yarn and knitting loom All with my 20% coupon as well Stopped by Walmart on the way home -- Santa claus 3 and hairspray dvd 0-- price matched furreal baby - price matched acouple of other dvds Now DH is out -- getting new tires!!!
  9. Just got 2 Zune brown players online at J&R. I was afraid my TRU wouldn't have very many tomorrow. I'm still going there but don't feel the pressure now:)
  10. Sears (online) Magellan 3100 129.99
  11. I just got the magellan 3100 for 129.99 at sears............thanks for the info. One less thing to worry about tomorrow morning! And thanks for this thread w/ the comparision -- very helpful.
  12. I was in line for 2 hrs last year too. I won't be going there either.
  13. We have a Leapster -- dd 4yr got it for her b-day. She loves it! With 3 older siblings - it is referred to in our house as her "gameboy". So for Christmas we'll be stocking up on games acces. charger etc
  14. Yes, I do give gifts from mom & dad. Actually, Santa doesn't leave wrapped gifts at our house. He leaves them unwrapped.
  15. We also have both! Two trees -- formal one in LR w/ white lights and gold ornaments. Family tree w/ the kids ornaments and homemade ones etc and colored lights.
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