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  1. It's $15 at Best Buy this week.
  2. $45.85 for 2 guitars and guitar hero aerosmith shipped. Not bad.
  3. Neat? This is a $50 game for $28 more than the regular fit.
  4. You can go to www."************".com for most codes. That's what I always use. Redbox likes it as it helps them gain client base right now as well. url is www. inside redbox . com
  5. I'd call them then
  6. They still advertise it right on the banner at the top fo the page, so it's not dead. Go to clearance, then on the right, choose $5 hats, and the red banner up top will say "buy 4 $5 hats for $12 LIDS4f12" right there.
  7. It'll be taken care of soon I'm sure.
  8. Look 2 or 3 posts down...
  9. 2 wii games for $30 shipped today at amazon. They only have 5 to choose from, but you could always exchange a title in store for something else: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=amb_link_6015462_1?tag=slickdeals&ie=UTF8&docId=1000176361&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=05Y97DVA2F837ZP0XYH4&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=338238801&pf_rd_i=409566
  10. I'm trying to use the 20% off code and I get "The promotion code you have entered is invalid or is duplicated or has been used already. Please enter a different code or check your code and try again." Does anyone have free shipping or any other codes?
  11. I've got all the snow you guys need up here in MN. This is cool, I'm thinking about it...
  12. the $10 ones have a much better selection. At least for college teams. I'll be gettign 4 of the $10 ones, one for myself, and 3 for my friends. I'm screwed though, because their teams all have their sizes, but the U of MN gophers is only available in size 7. I need to find a differente one I want then I can order all 4 (Notre Dame, Ohio State, Florida State, and wahtever I choose) These will be great xmas presents.
  13. ONce you click clearance, on the right twards the bottom, you can choose to see $5, $10, or $15 hats. There's not much for guys except the white college caps, but it is a sweet deal. Don't seem to be able to directly link, but it should be easy to find. It even lists the 4 for $12 deal right on the top of the page once you're in teh $5 hat section. They also have 4 $10 hats for $25 (LIDS4F25) and 4 $15 hats for $35 (LIDS4F35)
  14. I haven't heard anything about my order of two, but I'm sure it'll be canceled.
  15. I'm a little dissapointed when comparing this to last years deals.
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