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Posts posted by ajbrowns

  1. I love getting the ads early. I was looking to buy a laptop last year. Getting the ads early allowed me to actually go to the store, check out the laptops that were going to be on sale at OD, decide I didn't care for them, come home and order a Dell.



  2. on tv here in jersey they have a promotion going where you buy either 4 or 5 boxes of polident and with the purchase of that AND another ticket you get a free ticket

    I noticed that commercial too, so I looked it up online. You have to purchase the tickets directly from Polident and they are actually not giving you a free ticket when you look at their prices. There price was over $500 for 2 tickets that I was able to get one from the airline for $167.


    I thought I could buy the stuff, give it to my grandma, and get a great deal on the ticket...oh well, no such luck.


    Another member on here told me about sidestep.com. They ended up having the best rates I could find.



  3. I don't have a smirk on my face yet from the Black Friday stuff.... just wait until Brad and Ross post the ads! :)


    I have a smirk on my face because of all the great people on here!

    Yep, I feel the exact same way!



  4. I leave around 4:00, eat breakfast with my girlfriends at the Waffle House across from the mall and we are in line by 5:15.


    Last year we shopped here in town and then went to the town 30 minutes over to shop at Target. We ended up eating lunch at a Mexican restaurant there after shopping for a bit. We got home about 5-5:30.



  5. women here get all dressed to impress (just in case for the news or whatever reason) or do ya'll just :2roller: outta bed?


    I'll be in between, no make up but I'll at LEAST change my clothes before I head out! :giggle:

    Ok, I'll admit it....anytime you see me in public I am going to look the same, it is not to impress though. It just makes me feel better to look good. I will have my hair fixed, some makeup on, and a "shopping" outfit. (I can get completely ready in about 30 minutes and be ready to walk out the door.) This year my best friend and her husband are coming to stay for Thanksgiving/BF. I've been thinking about finding us some matching hot pink shirts so that we can easily find each other in a crowd.



  6. Sorry, told ya wrong!! Put your games in the cart and then when you check out, enter the promo code in the appropriate box. Your savings will show before you finish check-out. Here is a list of all of the codes:


    copy and paste:






  7. My last job was with adults. I taught children some time ago, but it was too hard for me... Children here can get out of control

    I have always been told that it is much easier to learn a foreign language when you are younger as opposed to being an adult.


    Oh, and the children here can get out of control too!:trampolin:greenappl:gd_stars::gd_devild:3duck::runaway::yay::bounce_fl:lolrun:



  8. :giggle: I guess I am just different.


    It is usually 40-50 degrees or so here, so a huge coat is not an option. I hate to get in stores and then have to deal with the coat. I have found a great bag, that stays on my shoulder, doesn't get in the way, and holds all the things I need when I shop. I can also see me juggling all of those things in my pockets and losing something.


    Not only that, but I really would feel naked!:g_laughin



  9. This year I am teaching 7th grade Language Arts and Reading. Last year I taught the same thing in 8th grade. I am also certified to teach Social Studies and at the end of this year I will be a certified administrator.



  10. Hi TMC!! Welcome to gottadeal! You will find that we have the nicest members on here. Everyone is always willing to help out fellow members. Let me be the first to help you out:


    If you think about it, what with all the high gas prices, Katrina, Rita...

    my impression is there won't be much to wait in 5 degree weather for at

    midnight or earlier the previous day!

    I guess I am just lucky! I live in Georgia, so our weather will probably be 40-50 degrees (if not more) when I leave to go shopping on BF. Our gas is even down about 6 cents in the last few days!!!


    But, if i has to guess what might be 'hot' are things that have had lackluster demand sofar this year, like computer and other flash memory.

    Actually, computer sales were not exactly lackluster this year. According to Standard and Poor's, the demand is still high, just not as high. I've noticed several posts on gottadeal asking questions regarding purchasing a new laptop. Just think, we have 7009 members (this is as of 9:20 PM EST, give us a few minutes and we will have probably have someone else join to make it an even 7010) and we have several here saying that they are going to be purchasing computers on BF.


    You can read the S&P article here if you would like: http://www.physorg.com/news6519.html


    You can also read this article: http://www.hometoys.com/htinews/oct05/articles/dias/lcd.htm


    This is a great article! It even has great graphs in it that show how sales comparisons. Those may help you better understand my point.


    This article leads us to your next point:


    The one thing you WON"T see is alot of those FREE AFTER REBATE DEALS this year.. companies have been screwed (as have we) by the oil companies... and wait, they just got another Christmas bonus, of new tax incentives to build oil refineries

    Not sure about the FAR deals, but they are expecting tons of MIRs. Here is part of the article I posted the link to above, "vendors will continue to prioritize rebates throughout the upcoming holiday season"


    Seriously, I hope if its bitter cold this time, ALOT of people just stay home this time around and BOYCOT buyind ANYTHING this season to teach the stores (and in due course, the OIL COMPANIES) a lesson in supply/demand.

    If the product sits on the shelf too long, it spoils, just like lettuce on the shipping dock!

    It is always bitter cold somewhere in the US and their lines are just as long on BF as they are in other, warmer places. I mean after all, what better way to boycott the oil companies than to turn your heat down before leaving home to go BF shopping. WAIT!!!! There's an idea...everyone turn your heat down in your house before you leave to go shopping...we'll show those oil companies who's the boss...BF shoppers that's who!! (TMC - I am so glad you mentioned those oil companies. I would have never come up with that idea if it wasn't for you..see you are already helping members of this board...that's the spirit!!:trampolin )


    Despite hype from sites like this (which btw, do a GREAT job at getting the inside scoop of the best stuff available) the downside is it makes things just that more competitive..

    As Andrew Carnegie once said, "And while the law [of competition] may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race, because it ensures the survival of the fittest in every department."


    and you can't forget Jerry Flint, "Competition is a painful thing, but it produces great results."


    More people are buying early and online, not waisting their time, too.


    Gosh, we can only hope that they do!! Wouldn't that be a great thing to be 4th in line rather than 14th or 24th!! If they stay home that puts all of us closer to the front of the line!!:lolrun::yay:


    TMC, I just wanted to show you a little love and help you out a bit. You seem like you may need just a wee bit. Look at the glass as half full - not half empty!!


    We are a friendly and helpful group here at gottadeal. Play nice!



  11. I carry a purse because I feel naked without it. I would also have to worry about cell phone,keys, gum..etc. I carry this bag in a different print when I shop: http://www.brightonretail.com/store/wishlist.php?m=product_detail&p=H80123




    Big enough to hold my things, a strap that stays on my shoulder easily, small enough to maneuver and if I have to, I can swing that strap and hit someone in the head with the purse..lol.



  12. Thanks guys and gals--

    I tried the Target one and with the tax and shipping it would be cheaper to buy it B & M. I read somewhere that they are putting out a video one soon. Do you think that the price for the Nano will drop after that comes out? Hopefully there will be some sweet deals as X mas nears.


    Thanks again. I'll try to keep my eyes open too.


    I'm so glad I found this site.

    I could be wrong, but I doubt the Nano price will go down when the release the new ipods. Since they are not replacing this one, only adding to their current options I imagine it will stay the same. Plus, it has only been out a month or so.


    I hope you find a great deal...I would hate to think I was buying 2 or 4!



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