We lucked out this year.....
My Wife wanted to get me my "Guitar Game" this year and didn't know which system to get so I could play one. (I still have an original Playstation and an old X-Box)
She thought she would enjoy the games on the Wii, so we set out to get one, the day AFTER Black Friday.
I had just seen hundreds of Wii's at each of the local Best Buy, Circuit city and all 5 Wal-Marts within 5 miles of our house.
That Saturday we started making the rounds at opening and everyone said they had sold out at some point on Black Friday.
Luckily we needed a few toys for the kids and stopped at Toys R Us on the way home.
Wouldn't you know, they still had a handful left after Black Friday.
In the past couple of weeks, nobody seems to be replenishing the consoles much at all.
Luckily Wal-Mart had just stocked the Wii Fit's early this Sunday morning, so I was able to get one to put away for my Wife's birthday in January.
Definitely keep checking. (I know Targets have been getting them in each week also)
Now I need to figure out which games work with the Fit Board and get a couple to go with it.
Best of luck to everyone.