Yep I'm going to the BB at the forum. I was thinking 2am, now I'm wondering If I need to go early. I am going for the laptop, the starter kit, and the casio little tv.
Is anyone brave enough to take their kids shopping with them? I don't have kids, but my mom took me when I hit 13 to help her out. I was just curious if anyone else took thier kids?
My local news (san antonio, tx) featured gottadeal w/ the black friday deals!! I just find it ironic that I found the website today and joined and now it's on my news!
Okay I am clueless about wireless and what I need to purchase. I am planning on getting one of the BF laptops at BB and want to go wireless w/ it also. What BF deals would be good for the wireless. And when I say clueless, I truely haven't dabled in this wonder yet and will absorb any and all info given. TIA