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Everything posted by nickle831

  1. none are opening for me :-(
  2. 2 long but I'm off work in 20minutes to head home and go to bed!
  3. as a matter of fact I did this for a birthday last month w/ a xmas gift I'd been holding on to for 2yrs now un opened.
  4. Yes, why not give it to someone else if I'm not going to use it.
  5. I'm passing on CC just b/c it is out of my way drive wise.
  6. I may have to take some pics so someday I can show my future grandkids what BF was all about back in the day!
  7. this time next friday, (5pm) I will be in the same place I am right now/ at WORK! Blah
  8. Holy cow I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!
  9. Yep I'm going to the BB at the forum. I was thinking 2am, now I'm wondering If I need to go early. I am going for the laptop, the starter kit, and the casio little tv.
  10. LOL can I use this excuse to get ride of a bunch of other items that are worn out around the house!
  11. Okay if you are heading to BF by yourself do you still take a chair? What do you do with it when it comes time to open the doors?
  12. Toshiba from BB
  13. I'll be there! What time are you getting there? I saw on your other post that you did BF last year. Did you got to BB? What time did you get there?
  14. My DH links I'm nuts! He is going to go with me though b/c he says he doesn't want me to get mugged waiting in line so early.
  15. have they ever posted Michael's craft store. I know, lame, but scrapbooking supplies are expensive!
  17. Is anyone brave enough to take their kids shopping with them? I don't have kids, but my mom took me when I hit 13 to help her out. I was just curious if anyone else took thier kids?
  18. It is Ksat 12 news in San antonio TX, but I didn't find it online, it was on my TV station.
  19. My local news (san antonio, tx) featured gottadeal w/ the black friday deals!! I just find it ironic that I found the website today and joined and now it's on my news!
  20. Now w/the wireless, I still have to be in the house right? Or if I go somewhere, like the coffee shop, they have to have wireless in their building?
  21. Okay I am clueless about wireless and what I need to purchase. I am planning on getting one of the BF laptops at BB and want to go wireless w/ it also. What BF deals would be good for the wireless. And when I say clueless, I truely haven't dabled in this wonder yet and will absorb any and all info given. TIA
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