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Everything posted by servrich

  1. I just asked again and they're sticking to the 6pm and 8pm start times. I'll share any updates I get tho. 8pm and 10pm sound a bit more reasonable so I hope my source is wrong, but they're in charge of the bf event at their store so they should know.
  2. I'm in Mountain time and was told 6 and 8 Mountain time. Would think it's the same in all time zones. 8 and 10 are pretty early too. I'll double check tho and post if it changes. Also hoping to find out some of the items on the list.
  3. I have a source and he's a pretty solid one too. Seems WM had success last year so they're opening earlier. they'll be doing the first round at 6pm then the second at 8pm. Was upset at first since it'll force us to do Thanksgiving dinner earlier, but at least we can get WM out of the way and focus on the other stores later that night and morning.
  4. Thought I'd share. Just got confirmation that WM bf deals will start at 6pm and 8pm this year. Earlier and earlier every year!
  5. I was able to get one too. Didn't think it went through but got the confirmation after the website came back. I got a pre black Friday high tonight and I was lucky enough to get the 90% code!
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