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Everything posted by Aliensniper

  1. It takes too long to make and print so many ADs^
  2. I like the way you think!
  3. Give me CC or give me death! Please have cheap hard drvies! PLEASE!
  4. Every BF is the day when I get my hard drives. Planning to get at least .5 TB of HD space this year.
  5. They have the BF deals online starting at midnight too? And do they usually charge shipping?
  6. Aliensniper


    I've dealt with CC (mailing 2 rebates) with no problems - you must have done something wrong.
  7. FYI (if you don't already know) The popular items (latops etc) are limited to 10 per store, so unless you're first in line GL!
  8. Im mainly looking at the Hard drives from the stores.
  9. The target in my area is always like BF - waayyy to many people. I shudder to think what it will be like ON BF...*cringes*
  10. Which items are considered door busters?
  11. Ahh, ok. Does anyone know about Circuit City, CompUSA, or Fry's?
  12. Will the BF deals extend to the online store itself? Or do you have to go to the store to get the deals?
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