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Everything posted by klastar

  1. Target has never price matched. The only stores here that do are Wal-Mart and Sears.
  2. Yes, they will give you money. Last week i had 3 rain checks and some of my EB didn't show up for the things I bought that day. The manegar came up and went over the receipt and handed me the cash for the ones that didn't show up and the one's for the rain checks..I walked out with $25.52 in cash.
  3. OK I have called, e-mailed and snail mailed them. Someone said something about Rosie well I wrote to her on her blog since she says this is her favorite store. I also sent e-mails to our 3 local news stations. I am a VP of a Non-Profit group and have gotten the word out all over the US and even farther. Let's keep it up gang...day after day. heck we all spend our hard earned money in their store and this is how they want to treat us. Brad we are all behind you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I knew this was coming. There was a woman in front of me the other day using 4 $25.00 CVS coupons at Target. She made the comment that 2 of her prescriptions were less than $2.00. Her total bill came to $14.00 and change and she got $100.00 worth of GC's. Great deal but I knew they would be ending this soon because of things like this. I take 4 medicines on a daily bases that aren't cheap even with insurance for a bone disease.
  5. Little Leap is coming up $29.88 for me and leapster $49.00. Is anyone else seeing these same prices?
  6. I went to our Marshall's today and there was not much there. I had never been in the one by me but the mark downs were $3.00,$5.00,$7.00,$10.00 and $15.00. They did have a lot of small sizes in womans but that was about it.
  7. Thank you all I found one today and bought it. Thanks for all your help.
  8. Dollar spot (only ones with red dot by price) 50% in Middle River store, Maryland.
  9. Thank you both for your suggestions.
  10. If anyone sees a good deal on a Stroller/Carseat combo please let me know. I am in Baltimore, Maryland and looking for an inexspensive one since it is for my grandchild a couple days a week. Thanks.....
  11. Thank you for all your hard work.. My Target has been checking coupons very closely lately..they will not take expired ones and I don't use them this one was expired by one week and was in there by mistake. They are also refusing some computer ones that are not Target. Your site looks great though....
  12. I just got a pre-order for TMX Ernie and TMX Cookie Monster. Will there be another TMX frenzy? By the way Target has them on there site for pre order too $34.99 coming out September 11th.
  13. I don't know about anyone else but the other one F_llcup is not working for me this morning and I only wanted ones that were not expired.
  14. Again thanks for all your hard work and the heads up......:)
  15. Thanks for all your hard work and the heads up.....:)
  16. Last time I ordered these the box was so thin and every single one of them were broke. It was not worth the trouble to send them back but I will not order them again. Hope everyone that orders them has better luck.
  17. LOL I would love the Ravens outfits for the kids but they can't keep them in the stores here..If anyone sees any baby stuff , stroller, carseat or bouncy seat in the Baltimore area please let me know.
  18. If anyone shops at the Middle River, White Marsh or Towson stores in Maryland please let me know if you see any of the First Leaps or Bistro Grills at 75% off. I am wasting so much gas checking on these daily. The one I found at the White Marsh store was only 30% off. Thanks and happy shopping.
  19. In White Marsh and Middle River Maryland they were still at 50% this afternoon. I have been checking daily at the Middle River store since it is so close, as I need a patio set.
  20. Oh what a wonderful idea about making your own. This is something I can get them involved in too. I am not very clever when it comes to the computer ( creating thing) but my 13 year old granddaughter can show me a thing or two. Thank you for the suggestion
  21. Oh thank you so much for the Wal-Mart tip. I am all about saving money on this trip. Even though all their parents will be there you know who they will run to when Mommy & Daddy so no.
  22. Thanks so much for the idea's, I love the shirt idea. My grandchildren range from 13 to 6 then a newborn so this would work nicely.
  23. They had tons of the 4th ofJuly shorts and shirts at my Target for 90% off. I picked up one of each color for my granddaughter..the ones with no writing across the butt that is.
  24. I am looking for inexpensive Disney Autograph books and Lanyards ( Neckstrap pin holders/keychains) We are planning a Disney trip in Oct. and we will have 6 grandchildren with us. If you have seen them or know where to buy them please let me know. Trying to save money before we get there. Thanks, Karen
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