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Posts posted by tinkerszs

  1. About a year and half ago I was at Target and saw a remote control toddler car marked way down so I grabbed it. Got to the check-out and it rang up wrong. They refused to give it to me at the marked price. So I went to customer service to complain and they accused me of switching price tags and being a thief. That pissed me off. Thankfully my husband was pissed too when I told him. He called and threw a fit and made the manager call and apologize to me and then they sent me a $20 gift card. The stupid car was only $10.
  2. Every on here mentions tickets. What are they? I never saw them last year at BB. Only a line 3 hours long to get out the dang door. Any ideas fo going through check out faster? The line kills all my other sales.
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