The Panasonic model is really nice. I'm shopping around for it right now. I've compared the Panasonic EDTV to lesser model and equal model EDTVs and there is no comparison. IMHO, the Panasonic EDTV has a much better picture than even some of the bottom of the line plasma model HDTVs. In terms of EDTVs, the Panasonic is the best I've seen. Now the problem is, how do I coax myself into spending the $2000 on it? As for which is better, well some people want a 42" flat panel with a good picture for a cheap price. Obviously something has to give, and it's most likely that it won't be a HDTV model. HDTV in most cases is superior in picture quality, but is very expensive and still out of the reach for many of us. The EDTV is some cases (like the Panasonic), offers us who don't have $2500+ to spend an excellent picture without the expense and thrills of HDTV.